subordinator[sə'bɔ:dineitə]n. 主從連詞
subordinator 從屬結構;從屬過程;
1.XX subordinator(You may play this card only when you control as lease five permanent of its subordinator. xx附屬(系只可在你操控五張或以上其附屬永久物時使用此牌。
2.The electrolysis controlling system for the vibrational frequency of the foil is a host-subordinate system consisted of one host PC and 12 subordinator PCs. 介紹了一個用電解方法加工金屬薄片以獲取預定振動頻率的控制系統。
3.In this system, the DSP serves as subordinator to see after the digital operation, and the MPU is host to complete accomplish the communication, control and display functions. 料位監測儀表採用DSP+MPU的雙系統來實現,DSP作為從機主要完成系統的數字運算功能;