





n. filet ,fish filet ,lemniscus ,taeniav. filet


fillet['filit]n. 魚片;頭帶;[建]平邊;飾線vt. 用帶縛;把…切成片


fillet 嵌邊;內圓角;齒根圓角;圓角;Pork Fillet 小裡肌肉;裡肌肉;裡脊肉;小Roast fillet 烤裡脊;Line Fillet 在兩條線的過渡生成線;glazing fillet 鑲玻璃條砂;


1.Please fillet it for me. 請替我把它切成片。

2.A small round piece of meat, especially loin or fillet of lamb, veal, or pork. 小塊瘦肉小塊圓形肉,尤指腰肉或四肢上的肉,小牛肉或豬肉。

3.Slice the fish fillet. Season with salt, pepper and white wine. Place on top of spinach(just one layer). 魚肉切厚片,撒上少許鹽、胡椒粉和白酒調味,鋪放在菠菜上(不要重疊)。


n. nonpositioned fillet welding - 不定位填角焊

n. nonpositioned fillet welding - 不定位角焊

n. staggered-intermittent fillet welding - 交錯式斷續填角焊

n. staggered-intermittent fillet welding - 交錯斷續角焊

n. fillet weld in parallel shear - 側面角焊縫

n. flush fillet weld - 充溢角焊

n. convex fillet weld - 凸形填角焊縫

n. concave fillet weld - 凹形角縫焊

n. throat of fillet weld - 凹角焊喉

n. theoretical throat of fillet weld - 凹角焊的理論焊喉

n. fillet radius - 園角半徑

n. corner and fillet radii - 圓角和內圓角半徑

n. size of fillet weld - 填角焊尺寸

n. profile of fillet weld - 填角焊斷面形狀

n. tension test for fillet welded joint - 填角焊縫張力試驗

n. actual throat of fillet weld - 填角焊縫的實際厚度

n. shearing test for fillet welded joint - 填角焊縫連接的抗剪試驗

n. positioned fillet welding - 定位填角焊

n. positioned fillet welding - 定位條焊

n. positioned fillet welding - 定位角焊

n. flat fillet weld - 平面角焊

n. zigzag intermittent fillet weld - 工字型間接過濾焊

n. flat fillet weld - 平填角焊

n. fillet weld in parallel shear - 平行剪切下的填角焊

n. intermittent fillet welding - 斷續填角焊

n. corner and fillet radii - 方角和圓角半徑

n. fillet weld in normal shear - 正剪切下的填角焊

n. break test for fillet welded joint - 正面填角焊縫連接的破裂試驗

n. front fillet weld - 正面角焊

n. front fillet weld - 正面角焊縫

n. horizontal fillet welding - 水平角焊

n. full fillet weld - 滿角焊

n. theoretical throat of fillet weld - 理論填角焊喉

n. fillet weld zone - 角焊區

n. shearing test for fillet welded joint - 角焊縫接頭的抗剪切試驗

n. tension test for fillet welded joint - 角焊縫接頭的抗拉力試驗

n. break test for fillet welded joint - 角焊縫接頭的抗斷裂實驗

n. profile of fillet weld - 角焊縫斷面形狀

n. fillet welded joint - 角焊連接

n. actual throat of fillet weld - 角縫焊有效焊喉

n. mild steel load-non-transter cross fillet welded joint - 軟鋼加載截面角焊點

n. continuous fillet weld - 連續角焊

n. continuous fillet weld - 連續角焊縫

n. chain intermittent fillet welding - 鏈型間歇角焊縫

n. chain-intermittent fillet weld - 鏈式分段角焊


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