coupon 試樣胚;票息;現金、息票、通貨;息票;interest coupon 利息券;息票;Ex coupon 息單已付;無息票;無息票息單已付;除息票;coupon paper 票據紙;dividend coupon 息票;股利券;股息票;股息息票,股利券;
1.The cash coupon is invalid if the silver bar of the coupon is entirely or partially scrapped off before your acquisition. 如接管現金券時銀色部分已被全部或局部刮去,即代表現金券已作廢。
2.The test results show that the corrosion amount on the silver coupon from elementary sulfur with different density is not the same, the color of silver coupon cannot be an individual black; 試驗結果表明,不同濃度的元素硫,對銀片的腐蝕程度不同,腐蝕銀片顏色呈現不同程度的黑色;元素硫溶液中含有硫醇時,腐蝕銀片顏色呈現多樣性。
3.A cycle is one complete reversal of an alternating current or voltage from zero to a positive maximum to zero again and then from zero to a negative maximum to zero again. 週期週期是指交流電流或電壓從零到正最大值再到零,然後從零到負最大值再到零這樣一個往復的過程;
4.Cycle A cycle is one complete reersal of an alternating current or voltage from zero to a positive maximum to zero again and then from zero to a negative maximum to zero again. 週期週期是指交流電流或電壓從零到正最大值再到零,然後從零到負最大值再到零這樣一個往復的過程;
5.A cycle is one complete reversal of an alternating current or voltage from zero to a positive maximum to zero again and then from zero to a negative maximum to zero again. 週期,是指交流電流或電壓從零到正最大值再到零,然後從零到負最大值再到零這樣一個往復的過程;