





clearest[kliə]adj.clear的變形adj. 明亮的;晴朗的清澈的,明淨的,透明的(顏色)純淨的,純色的潔白無瑕的,無污點的,白皙的清楚的,清晰的,條理分明的(聲音)嘹亮的,清脆的;無雜音的明確的,肯定的,不含糊的(目光)敏銳的,(頭腦)清醒的清白的,無辜的寧靜的,鎮定的,安詳的;沉著的明顯的,顯然的,顯而易見的確鑿的,無疑的,一定的暢通無阻的;開闊的,一覽無餘的無接觸的,擺脫了的;無牽連的沒有限制的,無條件的;絕對的,不折不扣的,完全的,整整的純利的,淨得的不負債的;沒有負擔的(船隻)已卸完貨的,卸空的赤裸的,光禿的[美國俚語](前方道路上)沒有障礙和警察的(飲料等)清澄的(產品)潔淨不致污染的(基督教科學派提倡的)最完美境地的adv. 清楚地,清晰地;明確地;顯然整整,完全,十足;自始至終離開點兒vt. 使乾淨;使明亮;使清澈: 例句:The rain cleared the air, and the grass smelt fresh and sweet.雨水使空氣變得潔淨,青草發出清新芬芳的氣味。使清楚;使分明;使清醒;使明白易懂: 例句:He rephrased the report in order to clear the essential points.他將報告重新修改,使要點更加清楚。The cold shower cleared his mind.冷水淋浴使他的頭腦清醒過來。掃淨,清除;收拾: 例句:We must clear the room before our guests arrive.我們必須在客人到達之前把房間收拾好。The guests left,and the table was cleared.客人走了,桌子收拾乾淨了。(把人)趕出;掃蕩;(把物)移出;從…卸下貨物: 例句:We must clear the land of the enemy.我們必須把敵人掃蕩乾淨。They cleared every plate upon the table.他們把桌子上所有餐盤內的食物都吃光了。開闢(道路等);開墾,開拓: 例句:They cleared some 300 acres in the jungle.他們在叢林地帶中開拓出大約 300英畝田地。清掉(嗓子裡的痰);清(嗓子): 例句:He cleared his throat, and went on with his summing-up report.他清了清嗓子,繼續做總結報告。擺脫;消除(嫌疑、罪名等);使清白無辜;宣判…無罪: 例句:He was cleared from all charges brought against him.對他的一切指控已撤消。The presiding judge cleared him of a charge.審判長宣告他無罪。在…通過;越過;離開: 例句:His horse easily cleared every fence.他的馬很輕鬆地越過每一道籬笆。Five years ago, I cleared the bar at 2.15m. in Nanjing.五年前,我在南京的跳高比賽中,跳過了2.15米的高度。The ship cleared the straits.船已駛出海峽。結清(賬目);交換清算(票據);把(支票)兌現: 例句:I want to clear my debts as quickly as possible.我想把我的債務盡快還清。處理(郵件、電話等);發送: 例句:The post office clears 3 000 pieces of mail an hour.該郵局每小時處理3 000件郵件。獲純利,淨得,淨賺: 例句:He cleared £200 from selling his old car.他賣掉了舊汽車,淨賺200英鎊。為(船或船貨)結關(辦好出港手續),通過海關: 例句:There will be a lot of troubles in clearing customs.通過海關要有好多麻煩。Our baggage has cleared customs.我們的行李已通過海關檢查。向上級請示,取得上級批准,獲得核准;授權: 例句:You'll have to clear it with management.此事你必須得到管理部門准許。This parcel has been cleared with the border police.這件包裹已獲得邊防警察的正式批准放行。正式批准…可做機密工作或接觸機密資料;授權(個人或機構)使用機密文件: 例句:He was finally cleared for top secret information.最後他終於獲准接觸絕密情報。【計算機】消除(計算機、存儲器等的)累計數(或存儲數據);使(計數器)歸零譯(電報等);譯解(密碼等)賣完;賣光: 例句:The store must clear its summer inventories by September 1st.該店必須在9月1日以前售清夏季存貨。Bidders quickly cleared the market's wheat stores.標購者很快地將市場上的小麥買光。vi. 變明朗;變晴朗,(天氣)放晴;變清澈;變清楚: 例句:The sky cleared after the rain.雨後天晴。The muddy water cleared slowly.泥水慢慢地變清澈了。(船隻等)辦妥出港手續,結關後離港: 例句:The ship cleared from Hong Kong.這艘船由香港開出。The ship cleared for Shanghai this morning.這艘船今天早晨結關後離港駛向上海。(通過票據交換所)交換票據;清賬(文件等)送審,報批;就…請示: 例句:The bill must clear through the assembly before it becomes legal.這項法案必須經大會通過才算合法。離去;溜走;消失: 例句:The early morning mist cleared before we set out.在我們動身前,清晨的薄霧就消散了。收拾餐桌: 例句:It's your turn to clear after the meal.這次飯後該輪到你收拾桌子了。明白;清醒: 例句:His mind cleared after he heard the truth.他得知真相後就明白過來了。售完,賣光: 例句:Wheat cleared rapidly.小麥很快就賣光了。n. 空隙,空間;間隙近義詞: transparent , translucent , pellucid反義詞:opaque , cloudy , turbid短語: all clear 解除警報(常與動詞 sound連用)(as)clear as a bell 極為清晰(as) clear as crystal 像水晶一樣明澈(as) clear as day (或 daylight, noonday) 一清二楚,極明顯;光明正大(as) clear as that two and two makes four 像二加二等於四一樣明顯be clear of 擺脫;沒有clear as mud 不能理解的;莫名其妙的,令人費解的get clear of 擺脫;避開;離開in the clear不受阻礙(或限制),暢行無阻用明碼,不用密碼(或暗碼)[口語]無嫌疑,無罪,清白無辜有償債能力的,脫離了困境【建築學】淨空,以(兩邊之間的)內寬計算keep clear of 避開;避免;清除;不接觸make clear 闡明;澄清stand clear of 避開;離開變形: clearer , clearestclearer , clearest


clearest 最清楚;


1.It's a world of water, the clearest in the world. 是一片水的世界,那裡的水是世界上最清澈的。

2.The clearest measure of stability is the exchange value of a currency over time. 對穩定性最完全的衡量就是在時間上看貨幣流通的交易價值。

3.For many of us, one Christmas stands out from all the others, the one when the meaning of the day shone clearest. 對我們許多人來說,總有某一個聖誕節因為我們充分感受到這一天的意義而顯得格外難忘。


Of course, the Hubble is above the earth's atmosphere, so it will soon be sending us the clearest pictures of the stars and distant galaxies that we have ever seen. - 當然,哈勃位於地球的大氣層之外,因此,它很快就會給我們傳送我們所見到過的、有關行星和遠距離星系的最清晰的照片。

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