morra['mɔ:rə]n. 延誤;猜拳
morra 遲延;dally over morra 延誤;cunctation lag morra retardation tardiness 遲延;Morra Com Suas Botas Em 哥特式金屬;How Are Things In Glocca Morra 你在格魯卡莫拉過得好嗎?;播放;試聽;你在格魯卡莫拉過的好嗎? 試聽 評價 添加歌詞 收藏;
1.We were sorry for morra and any inconvenience caused by this. 我們對這次延誤以及因此造成的所有可能不便表示道歉。
2.Both the feeling and look of a hilltop town are portrayed in this dramatic image of La Morra, Italy. 旅遊圖片攝影忠告。兩者的感覺和觀察一個山頂鎮是描寫這些戲劇性的圖片意大利的洛曼拉村。
3.Take a pinch of sun, a sprinkle of rain, cool nights and warm days, a vineyard of well-drained Piedmont soil, and an ancient tradition around the hilltop town of La Morra. 取一縷陽光,少量的雨水,涼爽的夜晚,溫暖的白日,一個擁有良好的排水性能的山麓葡萄園,一個擁有古老傳統的洛曼拉山頂小鎮。