ply from--to 來自於;Surface Loop From-To 曲面循環來源與目的;FROM-TO-LIST 接線表;Many improvements had been worked on in the period from 1980- to 1985 and the time had come to 許多改進工作,對已在1980年期間-至1985年的時間已經到來;from-nine-to-five 朝九晚五一族;
1.Professionals carry around pocket planners-some in electronic from-to keep track of appointments and deadlines. 專業人士隨身帶著口袋型記事本,有些甚至是電子的記事本,好隨時留意所訂的約會與工作截止日期。
2.Return to me from time-to-time, as the spirits visit me often. Mayhap further hints of your destiny shall be revealed. 不時地來找我,靈魂們也一樣常常來到我這裡。也許對你未來命運的暗示還會出現。
3.At the end of the season, we'll see. All players from season-to-season sit down with their club to consider their futures. 本賽季結束後,我們將看到所有陪伴尤文征戰多年的人考慮自己的未來,和俱樂部談及去留的問題。