from[frəm]prep. 來自,從;由於;今後
FROM 從臨時參照到偏移;來自於;製造廠家可編程序只讀存儲器;自 自;keep from 阻止,抑制;使免於;阻止;隱瞞;come from 來自;出生於;出生(於),來自;來自於;absent from 不在,缺席;缺席;不在;離開;deduce from 演繹,推斷;推斷;演繹,推理;由…推論;
1.He has been a sick man from youth. 他從年輕時就一直是個病夫。
2.Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 對,過去是痛楚的,但我認為你要麼可以逃避,要麼可以向它學習。落跑的新娘。
3.If there are upward moving vortexes from the drug use of neighbors, let us close this down now. 如果有來自使用毒品的鄰居之向上移動的渦流,現在讓我們向下來關閉它。
It's next week from this Monday. - 下個星期一。
Hi. This si Peter from Dr. Alice's office. - 嗨,你好,我是埃裡斯診所的彼得。
You mean from the food? - 是不是吃東西引起的?
We have several package tours you may choose, from ten days to three weeks in Europe. - 我們有幾套歐洲旅遊計劃選擇,時間從10天到3個星期。
I have one ten-day tour that is still available. It will depart from New York on Dec. 24. - 我們一個10天的旅行團還有空位,12月24號離開紐約。
That's Mr. Steven Lu, from Taipei? - 您是Steven Lu,從台北來的?
Mr. Lu, everything is OK. Your booking is from today through Wendnsday. Single room. - 陸先生,沒問題的。您從今天訂到星期三,單人房。
Hello. I'm calling from Room 1116. - 喂,我這裡是1116號房間。
No, it isn't. But you can transfer from this bus to bus number 24. - 不,不經過。但是你可以搭這班車轉乘24路。
I graduated from Nanjing University. - 我從南京大學畢業的。
I graduated from Nanjing University in June, 2000. - 我2000年6月畢業於南京大學。
What have you learned from jobs you have held? - 你從以往的工作中學到什麼?
What would you like to be doing two years from now? - 兩年後你希望自己在做什麼?
Excuse me, are you Mr. Peter from England? - 對不起,請問你是英國的皮特先生嗎?
No, but I hope you will from now on. - 是的,還沒有。不過我希望從現在起就會有。
How long will it take to get some more in from the factory? - 從工廠再運一些貨過來要多久?
It's quite different from what I expected. - 這與我預想的很不相同。
Are you from Taiwan? - 您是從台灣來的嗎?
No. I'm from Shanghai. - 不是,我是從上海來的。
Yes, I can have a break from all this tired work in the office. - 好哇,這樣我就可以暫時忘卻累人的工作了。
the client from the Toytown Stores. - 這個客戶來自Toytown Stores。
These are the models from the Japanese film maker. - 這些是那位日本電影製片家那裡的模型。
I heard that you get vitamin D from sunshine, and that you soak it like a sponge. - 我聽說人們像海綿一樣從陽光中攝入維生素D。
Table tennis, I suppose. That's almost our national game. People from all walks play it. - 我想應該是乒乓球吧。它幾乎是全國性運動,各行各業的人都打。
He's a very famous person in Chinatown. He's also from your home city, Peking. - 他在唐人街大名鼎鼎,他也是從你的家鄉北京來的。
Another rags-to-riches success story. Now you can borrow money from him instead of me. - 又一個白手起家,發財致富的成功人物。以後你可以向他借錢,不用找我了。
Get away from me. - 從我身邊滾開。
She likes to go from man to man. - 她的男友換了一個又一個。
I'd like to borrow some money from you. - 我想向你借點錢。
Excuse me, but I know you from somewhere. - 打擾一下,我好像在什麼地方見過你。
I need to take a break from studying. Let's get drunk. - 我不學習了,得休息一會兒。咱們一醉方休吧。
Are you from New York? - 是從紐約來的嗎?
No, I'm from Greece. - 不是,我是從希臘來的。
Alexandra's a high-school exchange student from Greece. - Alexandra是從希臘來的交換高中生。
Oh, that's not too far from here! - 噢, 那兒不很遠。
It's our meal from the restaurant. - 這是從餐廳帶回來的菜 。
She is sleeping here so she won't have to travel from Riverdale in the morning. - 她晚上住在這兒,免得早上從Riverdale趕過來。
It's from the Fathers and Sons' Breakfast - 那是在父子早餐會上拍的。
No, no. I'm from Florida. - 不, 我從佛羅里達來的。
Where are you from in Florida? - 你從佛羅里達的什麼地方來?
Small world. I'm from Titusville, too. - 世界真小。我也是從Titusville來的。
My house is only a few miles from Spaceport. - 我的家離Spaceport只有幾哩路。
And this one's from me. - 這張是我送的。
A gift from me. - 這是我的一件禮物。
Hand me two eggs from the refrigerator, - 替我從冰箱拿兩個蛋來。
Yes, he missed a phone call from Alexandra. - 對 他沒接到Alexandra打來的電話。
Grandpa, when did Dad graduate from Michigan? - 爺爺,爸爸是什麼時候從Michigan畢業的?
He graduated from medical school in 1960 - 他在一九六零年從醫學院畢業,
and from the University of Michigan in 1956. - 一九五六年從Michigan大學畢業。
I received a letter from my parents this morning. - 今天早上我收到父母一封信。
suffer from lingering kidney disease - 久患腎病
suffering from excessive internal heat - 上火
the damp-heat from the lower-jiao - 下焦濕熱
n. area free from defect - 不含瑕疵的面積
n. echo from discontinuity - 不連續性回聲
physicians from a family for generations - 世醫
alpha particles from neutron absorption - 中子吸收中的粒子
aphasia from apoplexy - 中風不語
bleeding from the nine orifices - 九竅出血
bleeding from breast; bleeding from the nipple; thelorrhagia - 乳衄
abstentions from the five kinds of flavor - 五味所禁
abstentions from the five kinds of flavor - 五禁
five secretions derived from the fice zang-organs; five secretions derived from the five zang-organs - 五臟化液
rub from above to below - 從上向下搓摩
exhale air from the lungs - 從肺裡呼出氣
hallucinogenic snuff from pipt優波; yopo - 優波
transmission from one channel to another - 傳經
boost recovery from diseases - 促使康良
expelling from within - 內托
lysis from within - 內溶菌作用
patient suffering from frequent dizziness - 冒家
waste water from pesticide factory - 農藥廠廢水
death from cold; freeze to death - 凍死
removing heat fom the blood; removing heat from the blood - 涼血
removing hea from the blood and inducing diuresis - 涼血利尿
cool the blood and stop bleeding; removing heat from the blood to stop bleeding - 涼血止血
drugs used to remove heat from the blood - 涼血藥
regurgitation; regurgitation of food from stomach - 反胃
exhaustion from cold - 受寒衰竭
organ receiving food content from the stomach - 受盛之腑
fire from the gate of life - 命火
fire from the gate of life; fire of the vital gate - 命門之火
decline of the fire form the gate of life; decline of the fire from the gate of life - 命門火衰
from interior tosuperfiies - 在出表
trauma from falling down - 墮墜
lysis from without - 外溶菌作用
n. simultaneous production from multiple zone - 多區同時生成
profuse bleeding from the mouth and nose - 大衄
death from hemorrhage - 失血死
specimen aspirated from uterine cavity - 宮腔吸取標本
syndrome resulting from the retention of phlegm - 宿痰
cold originating from the interior - 寒從中生
exhaustion from cold - 寒冷性衰竭
n. core sample from boring - 巖心鑽孔採樣
sudden death from angio cardiopathy - 心血管疾病急死
suffer from headache - 患頭痛
suffer from a serious illness - 患重病
dthe finger throbbed from the cut - 手劃破而陣陣抽搐
death from manual strangulation - 扼死
free from infection; freefrominfection - 無傳染病的
n.禁忌 - abstain from contraindication
n.五禁,五味所禁 - abstentions from the five kinds of flavor
急性硫化氫中毒 - acute death from hydrogen sulfide poisoning
n.百病皆生於氣 - all diseases result from disorder of qi
n.中子吸收中的粒子 - alpha particles from neutron absorption
n.鼻中出血 - an issue of blood from the nose
n.反式 - anti from
n.中風不語 - aphasia from apoplexy
n.類中風 - apoplexy resulting from exogenous wind evil
n.乳衄 - bleeding from breast
n.遠血 - bleeding from distant part
n.耳衄 - bleeding from ear
n.遠血 - bleeding from istant part
n.諸竅出血 - bleeding from orifices of the head
n.齒衄 - bleeding from the gum
n.九竅出血 - bleeding from the nine orifices
n.乳衄 - bleeding from the nipple
n.血隨氣陷 - bleeding resulting from exhaustion of qi
n.血汗同源 - blood and sweat are from the same source
n.X射線診斷的骨髓劑量 - bone marrow doses from diagnostic x-rays
n.促使康良 - boost recovery from diseases
n.癌內的細胞丟失 - cell loss from
n.氣營兩清 - clear away the heat from both qi and yijn systems
n.清利 - clearing away the damp-heat from
n.清利下焦濕熱 - clearing away the damp-heat from the lower-jiao
n.氣營兩清 - clearing away the heat from both qi and ying
n.寒從中生 - cold originating from the interior
n.老衰死 - death from aging
麻醉死亡 - death from anesthesia
n.燒死 - death from burning
n.凍死 - death from cold
n.溺死 - death from drowning
觸電死 - death from electricity
放血死 - death from exsanguination
n.失血死 - death from hemorrhage
n.病故 - death from illness
n.雷擊死 - death from lightning
n.扼死 - death from manual strangulation
藥物中毒死 - death from medicinal poisoning
n.燙死 - death from scald
餓死,飢餓而死 - death from starvation
窒息死亡 - death from suffocation
n.命門火衰 - decline of the fire from the gate of life
n.煮散 - decoction made from powder
n.煮藥 - decoction made from pwder
n.解除某人的疼痛 - deliver sb from pains
n.緻密型 - dense from
n.燃料油脫硫 - desulfurization from fuel oil
安定藥片 - diazepam from uncoated tablet
n.驅風利濕 - dispelling wind and dampnes from the body