Alchemists Apprentice 煉金學徒 完全版;apprentice 學徒;學徒,實習生;飛黃騰達;學徒工;Apprentice Seaman 三等兵;實習水手;Apprentice Interview 學徒面試;apprentice complex 學徒情結;
1.Having lost his apprentice, Sidious' next gambit centered not on the raising of a new apprentice, but the converting a suitable Jedi candidate. 失去徒弟之後,西迪厄斯的下一著棋,不是養育一個新徒弟,而是策反一名合適的絕地人選。
2.Grizelda, now being an apprentice short, asks you to track down the Imp and get the recipe it stole from the apprentice back. 格麗澤達現在一個學徒都沒有了,她叫你去追索那只爪牙怪,找回那張從學徒那裡偷走的藥方。
3.South African apprentice B Lerena wins the Macau Apprentice Jockeys Invitation Cup with Oriental Milan. 南非見習生雷利拿策騎「東方米蘭」勝出澳門國際見習騎師邀請盃。
4.Grizelda, now being an apprentice short, asks you to track down the Imp and get the recipe it stole from the apprentice back. 格麗澤達現在一個學徒都沒有了,她叫你去追索那只爪牙怪,找回那張從學徒那裡偷走的藥方。
5.When that apprentice succeeded him, that new Sith Lord would take an apprentice. 當這位學徒繼承他後,新的西斯大君會自己找個徒弟。
n.實習研究員 - research apprentice