lesabbr. 發射脫離系統(Launch Escape System)
LES 生活事件量表;女同性戀;食管下括約肌;大渦模擬;Les Choristes 放牛班的春天;放牛班的春天 推薦;歌聲伴我心;合唱團;Les Invalides 榮軍院;巴黎殘廢軍人院;Les Babyloniennes 巴比倫人;John Les 廳長李士莊;李士莊;
1.Some paintings are a tract, and other subjects featured include an outhouse and a person blowing soap bu les. 還有一些作品比較抽像,另有一些畫題包括一座戶外廁所和一個吹著肥皂泡的人。
2.If Les wants to keep Yao that will be for economic reasons, not for his on court contribution. In other words, Yao is no good. 如果鴨梨希望挽留住姚明,主要是考慮到經濟原因,而不是姚明在球場上的貢獻。換句話說,姚明不是一個好球員。
3.One of the ACMD members to resign was Les King, an expert on Spice, a "herbal high" which is not banned but many think should be. 樂斯