n. declaration ,firmness ,resolving power ,solving
n. irresoluteness ,irresolution ,preparation
resolutionsn. 決議(resolution的複數);解決;決心;分辨率
resolutions 決議案;雪中送炭;決心;分辨率;Screen Resolutions 顯示器分辨率;resolutions committee 決議案草擬委員會;grid resolutions 算格解析度;Thematic Resolutions 主題案;
1.Good for you! Here are some productivity resolutions to get you started. 首先,你有這樣的想法,是一件好事!這裡有一些提高…
2.In spite of the plethora of resolutions and declarations of intent the goal of general and complete disarmament remains a mirage. 儘管有不計其數的決議和意向性的聲明,而全面和徹底裁軍這一目標仍然是海市蜃樓。
3.This approach allowed the programs to adjust to different display adapters with different resolutions, text sizes, and aspect ratios. 這個方法允許程序用不同的分辨率,文本大小和屏幕高寬比調整不同的顯示卡。
We also make the fundamental error of announcing our resolutions to everybody so that we look even more foolish when we slip back into our bad old ways. - 我們還犯有一個根本性的錯誤,即把我們的決心向大家宣佈。
Aware of these pitfalls, this year I attempted to keep my resolutions to myself. - 這樣一旦滑回到那些老習慣上去,我們在別人的眼裡會顯得更加難堪。
An all-night party on New Year's Eve provided me with a good excuse for not carrying out either of these new resolutions on the first day of the year, - 新年除夕舉辦的一次通宵晚會,使我理直氣壯地在新年頭一天免去了這兩項任務。