Annual expenditure 年度支出;歲出;歲出,全年支出額;歲詘;appropriation expenditure 經費支出;經費支出,經費支出;expenditure on armaments 軍備支出,軍備開支;attributable expenditure 應計開支;expenditure component 開支項目;開支項目 -------[光年網原創;開支項目 財經;
1.After China's opening and reforming, the fiscal expenditure scale dwindled first and enlarged afterward, but the rate of fiscal productive expenditure in total expenditure is gradually reducing. 改革開放以來,我國財政支出規模呈先縮小後擴大的趨勢,但是財政生產性支出占財政總支出的比重卻不斷縮小。
2.The coming reform is to determine the range of finance expenditure, to readjust the structure of finance expenditure. 但是財政支出的範圍需要更清晰地界定,財政支出的結構需要進一步調整。
3.The concept and the content of total expenditure on health , the method of health account were introduced in this article with the data of total expenditure on health in China . 本文運用中國衛生總費用的數據,介紹了衛生總費用的概念、內容以及衛生核算的方法。
4.The size of the multiplier is the change in equilibrium expenditure divided by the change in autonomous expenditure. 乘數的大小等於均衡支出的變動量除以自主支出的變動。
5.The result is only: The energy with much expenditure goes chickening ribs newlier bring a few caller that are not target group. 結果只是:花費大量的精力去更新雞肋帶來一些並非目標群體的訪客。
n.能量消耗 - energy expenditure
醫療費,健康開支 - health expenditure
國家醫藥局 - national medical expenditure