up-link transmitter 上行發送器;Up-link device 上行設備干擾;Up-Link Services 衛星上鏈服務;Up-Link Service 衛星上鏈服務;General specification for satellite television up-link earth station 衛星電視上行站通用規範;
1.It is difficult to verify up-link data because of lack of relative platform. 因缺乏驗證平台地面系統難以保證上行數據正確。
2.The double switch buck/boost ac-dc power converter is designed to build up the dc-link voltage. 在系統整合方面,直流鏈電壓的建立系採用雙開關升/降壓交流-直流功率轉換器,作為前級架構。
3.An SIR-based close loop power control algorithm is presented. The pilot symbols of control channel in DS-CDMA up-link system are used to measure the received SIR. 針對採用專用控制信道的DS-CDMA系統的上行鏈路,本文直接利用控制信道的導頻符號進行SIR測量的閉環功率控制,並通過計算機仿真對鏈路的性能進行分析。