up-logging 向上提時測井;Picking up geological information from well-logging data 基於測井數據的地質信息提取;上一篇論文: 基於測井數據的地質信息提取;
1.They collect and share Jerry's memorabilia and keep themselves up-to-date on Jerryworld by logging on to his website. 她們收集和分享旭的收集品﹐並彼此通過他的網站接收『旭界』的最新消息。
2.They collect and share Jerry's memorabilia and keep themselves up-to-date on Jerryworld by logging on to his website. 她們收集和分享旭的收集品﹐彼此通過他的網站接收『界』的最新消息。
3.Too many schemes are losing productivity because of inappropriate drainage, water logging and a build-up of salts in the soil. 由於排水不當、積水和和鹽鹼化日益嚴重,許多灌區的生產率下降。