dead-aliveadj. 沒精打采的(等於dead-and-alive);不景氣的
dead-alive 沒精打采的;不景氣的;無精打采的;半死不活的;dead-alive stagnant 不景氣的;dead-and-alive 沒精打彩的;dead-alive languid slouching slouchy spiritless 沒精打采的;
1.Other coats look like dead-alive, but this coat is on its high horse. 其他的大衣都顯得沒精打采,惟獨這件衣服趾高氣揚。
2.This moment I worry self about really control ceaselessly, I return to the life as remembering this dead-alive person for 3 years , am really to deplore greatly. 這個時候我真擔心自己把持不住,我回想起這三年行屍走肉般的生活,真是痛心疾首。
3.But those close think of feeling person not worth a farthing, they have lost the most precious thing of person , image dead-alive person living has been the same. 而那些認為親情一文不值的人,他們失去了人最寶貴的東西,生活的像行屍走肉一樣。