SUB Sub-Addressing 子地址尋址;Sub Sub-Process 子流程;sub-contract development monitoring plan 子合同開發過程監控計劃;sub-contract development monotoring plan 子合同開發過程監控計劃;The contract has reached a stage of completion so that it can be deduced that the schedule and quality of the contract will meet or exceed the specified performance standards (一)根據合同目前完成情況,足以判斷工程進度和工程質量能夠達到或超過規定的標準;
1.The duty of the post-contract is obviously quite different from the contract given duty, the contract assumpsit duty and the pre-contract duty. 後合同義務與合同給付義務、約定義務、先合同義務有著顯著的不同。
2.The first round manage contract the contract carries out a circumstance (one) finished in the round manage contract the each index task in the contract. 第一輪經營承包合同執行情況 (一)全面完成了經營承包合同中的各項指標任務。
3.One of our shells managed to hit the sub's conning tower but the sub managed to submerge anyway. At that time our ship was able to pass directly over the sub for a depth charge attack. 我們的一發炮彈擊中了日本潛艇的艦橋,但是潛艇還是下潛撤離,在這時我們在潛艇下潛處進行了一次深彈攻擊。
4.the microchip control sub-system is connected with the baseband I, Q signal generator, the multicarrier digital up-conversion sub-system, the D/A converter and the clock sub-system at the same time; 微芯片控制子系統還與基帶I、Q信號發生器及多載波數字上變頻子系統、D/A轉換器、時鐘子系統同時連接;
5.ZPYGS55 Update and Sub-Speed Rotary Tablet Press is a new generation sub-speed tablet press, which is an upgrade of sub high speed tablet press. ZPYGS55升級亞高速旋轉式壓片機是新一代亞高速壓片機,是亞高速壓片機升級版。