Notetaking 筆記備忘;
1.In the delay-test, whatever the quantity of the whole information points and key points, the generative notetaking contains much more than the other three. 在延遲測驗當中,生成式筆記無論是在總信息量還是關鍵信息點的貯存上,同其他三種筆記都存在顯著性差異。
2.Build Listening &Notetaking Skills Carefully listening to a lecture and deciding what is important are two aspects that must be mastered before you worry about how to take notes. 培養聽課與記筆記的技能仔細聽課並決定哪些內容重要是必須先掌握的兩個方面,然後再再考慮怎麼去記筆記。
3.But your efficiency in making summaries, as well as your general reading efficiency, will increase in proportion to the time and effort you spend on perfecting your notetaking technique. 根據你在做筆記時所投入的時間和精力,你做摘要的效率會得到相應的提高。