





n. discipline ,report ,survey ,workv. consider ,examine ,hit the books ,learn


study['stʌdi]n. 學習,研究;課題;書房;學問vt. 學習;考慮;攻讀;細察vi. 研究;用功


study 研究;習作;粗樣;學習;field study 現場研究;野外考察;實地考察;實地研究;study lounge 自習室;學生的自習室;twin study 雙生子研究;釋義:雙生子研究;配對研究;Language study 語言學習;語言點;語言知識;


1.Is he the specialist who studies UFO? 他是研究飛碟的專家嗎?

2.The proper study of mankind is man. 研究人類最合適的對象是人。

3.Do_ we __study only _for_ the exams__? 我們只是為了考試而學習嗎?


What made you decide to study Economics? - 你為什麼決定修讀經濟學?

All right. We'll make close study about it and give you reply as soon as possible. - 很好。對這個問題我們將仔細研究一下,盡快給你們答覆。

Can I borrow your notes to study for the exams? - 快考試了,我能借你的筆記看看嗎?

Let's get together and have a group study session. - 咱們在一起組織一個學習小組吧。

All I do is study and take exams. - 我要接受所有的學習和考試。

Do you want to get together and study sometime? - 你想和我一起學習嗎?

I like to study in the library because it's so quiet. - 我喜歡在圖書館學習因為那兒很安靜。

You had better study hard. - 你最好努力學習。

I need to be in the top percentage of my class to study abroad. - 為出國留學,我的成績必須在班裡名列前茅。

I think I want to study journalism - 我想學新聞學

Well, Grandpa wanted me to study engineering, like him. - 嗯 ,爺爺希望我像他一樣學工程。

Study hard and study everyday, if you want to master the English language. - 如果你想精通英語的話,就得每天刻苦學習。

so I can study it. - 以便我好好研究。

After dinner, they adjourned to the study to talk. - 晚飯後,他們到書房談話去了。

If you concentrate all your energies on the study of English, you will master the language. - 你若全力以赴地學習英語,你會掌握這門語言的。

You have to study English, don't you? - 你必須學英語,不是嗎?

Don't you think it necessary to have a close study of the contract to avoid anything missing? - 你不覺得應該仔細檢查一下合同,以免遺漏什麼嗎?

I'd rather dream than study my chemistry. - 我還是做我的夢,總比研究化學好。

To study in school - 在學校讀書

He may get a grant to study abroad next year. - 他明年也許會獲得留學獎學金。

Do you ever study English on Sunday? - 你曾經在星期日學英文嗎?

Do you often study history on Saturday? - 你常常在星期六學歷史嗎?

I often study in the morning. - 我常常在早上讀書。

In secondary school, children study history and geography. - 中學的小孩會讀歷史和地理。

In secondary school, children study mathmatic、phsicas and chemistry. - 中學的小孩會讀到數學、物理和化學。

To serve the people well, I study hard. - 為了更好的服務於人民,我好好學習。

He devoted his life to the study of science. - 他把畢生獻給科學研究。

Recently the New York Animal Medical Center made a study of 132 cats over a period of five months. - 最近,紐約動物醫療中心對132隻貓進行了為期5個月的綜合研究。

In their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that product, advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses. - 做廣告的人在力圖勸說我們買下這種產品或那種產品之前,已經仔細地研究了人的本性,並把人的弱點進行了分類。

I stopped to let the car cool off and to study the map. - 我停下車,讓汽車發動機冷卻一下,同時查看一下地圖。

What is needed in the case of noise is a study of large numbers of people living under noisy conditions, - 對於噪音問題,需要對大量生活在噪音中的人進行研究,

the study was known as Project Anehin. - 安內英工程"。

you will realize that a modern navy is a good place to study noise. - 你就會認識到現代海軍是研究噪音的好地方。

Shortly after this the famous H. M. S. Challenger expedition established the study of the sea-floor as a subject worthy of the most qualified physicists and geologists. - 此後不久,英國著名的「挑戰者」號艦艇對海底的那次考察,把對海床的研究確立為一個值得一流物理學家和地質學家從事的研究課題。

But a closer study of the evidence, supported by a deeper sense of the period, - 但是,進一步仔細研究,對那個時代的深化瞭解,

to study his image in the sight of those who do not know him, - 企圖用不瞭解自己的人的觀點來研究自己塑造的形象的作法,

It was from the study of these that so much was learnt about the interior of the earth. - 正是從這兩種波的研究中,我們可以瞭解到地球內部的許多情況。

The study of custom can be profitable only after certain preliminary propositions have been accepted, - 只有在某些基本的主張被接受下來、同時有些主張被激烈反對時,

In the first place, any scientific study requires that there be no preferential weighting of one or another of the items in the series it selects for its consideration. - 首先,任何科學研究都要求人們對可供考慮的諸多因素不能厚此薄彼,偏向某一方面。

In all the less controversial fields, like the study of cacti or termites or the nature of nebulae, - 在一切爭議較小的領域裡,如對仙人掌、白蟻或星雲性質的研究,

the necessary method of study is to group the relevant material and to take note of all possible variant forms and conditions. - 應採取的研究方法是,把有關各方面的材料彙集起來,同時注意任何可能出現的異常情況和條件。

It is only in the study of man himself that the major social sciences have substituted the study of one local variation, that of Western civilization. - 只是在對人類自身的研究中,各主要的社會學科才用對一個局部地區各種情況的研究(如對西方文明的研究)來代替對全人類的研究。

Don't you think it necessary to have a close study of the contract to avoid anything missing? - 你不覺得應該仔細檢查一下合同,以免遺漏什麼嗎?

I' d like to study medicine and become a doctor. - 我想學醫,當個醫生。

I'm planning to do a special study of satellites next term. - 我計劃下學期就衛星的問題做些特別的研究。

In September 1888 at the age of 19, he sailed to England and after three years' study became a lawyer. - 1888年9月,他19歲時乘船去了英國,並在3年的學習之後成為一名律師。


southeastern cancer study group - 東南亞癌症研究小組

study model - 研究模型

double contrast study of stomach - 胃雙重造影檢查


平衡研究,試驗飲食糞便檢查 - balance study

盲檢試驗 - blind study

情況控制研究 - case control study

n.病例對照研究 - case-control study

病例研究,情況研究 - case study

臨床毒性試驗 - clinical toxicity study

臨床控制對照試驗 - clinically controlled comparative study

分類研究法,分組研究 - cohort study

比較毒性學 - comparative toxicological study

管理試驗 - controlled study

斷層研究 - cross-sectional study

文化研究 - culture study

交叉二重檢試驗 - double blind crossover study

n.胃雙重造影檢查 - double contrast study of stomach

n.動態功能檢查 - dynamic study

n.實驗研究 - experimental study

脂肪吸收研究,脂肪吸收試驗 - fat absorption study

n.追蹤調查 - follow-up study

強制飼養研究 - gavage study

工業衛生研究 - industrial hygiene study

介入研究 - intervention study

口腔毒物研究 - oral toxicity study

病理研究 - pathologic study

繪畫挫折研究 - picture frustration study

預備試驗 - pilot study

n.多晶型物研究同質多形物研究,計力傳感器 - polymorph study

n.前瞻性調查 - prospective study

局部腦血流量測定 - regional cerebral blood flow study

雙信無識別生隨機取樣研究 - randomized double-blind study

進修 - recovery study

n.腎功能試驗 - renal function study

n.回顧群組調查研究 - retrospective cohort study

既往調查,追溯研究 - retrospective study

n.回顧調查研究 - retrospective survey study

n.短期初篩試驗 - short-term prscreening study

n.東南亞癌症研究小組 - southeastern cancer study group

n.分光光度測定研究 - spectrophotometric study

n.分側腎功能檢查 - split renal function study

靜態研究 - static study

時間研究 - time study

n.追蹤觀察 - tracing study

n.尿流動力學檢查 - urodynamic study

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