n. perusal ,perusing ,poring over
studyingv. 研究(study的ing形式);學習
Studying 學習;正在學習;我熱愛;溫習;Studying Abroad 出國留學;留學篇;留學海外:;國外學習的利與弊;Studying Geography 學地理;studying habits 學習習慣;studying power 學習動力;
1.This stops other people from studying you. 這使得其他人停止向你學習。
2.Many scientists are studying the behavior of animals. 許多科學家正在研究動物的行為。
3.They are studying information technology at university. 他們在大學裡學習信息技術。
without studying these building plans more carefully. - 在沒有仔細研究這些建築圖的情況下。
I wasn't good at it, and I didn't like studying it. - 我不精於此道, 也不愛去學它。
Tom is studying photography at NYU. Tom - 正在NYU學攝影。
I am studying two majors, and it's quite a burden on my time. - 我有兩門主修課,這佔據了我很大一部分時間。
She was playing with the idea of studying abroad. - 她有出國留學的念頭,但並非很認真。
I've been studying all day, and I'm sick and tired of it. - 我學了一天,現在感到厭倦。
After studying an hour, I finally got the hang of the lesson. - 我學習了一個小時,終於理解了這一課的要點。
Mike found it difficult to adjust at first, but he's used to studying at Harvard now. - 剛開始邁克發現很難適應在哈佛的學習,但現在他已經習慣了。
So he keeps on studying after his English classes in order to prepare for life in America. - 所以他在英語課下課後還繼續學習,為以後在美國生活做準備。
He keeps on studying ecology. - 他不斷攻讀生態學。
How long have you been studying English? - 你學了多長時間的英語了?
How long have you been studying English? - 你學英語多久了?
If you consider that she's only been studying English a year, she speaks it very well. - 你可以考慮到她那學一年的英語,她的英語說得非常好。
He's studying his lesson. - 他正在學習課程。
He is studying the ecology of ameba. - 他在研究阿米巴
The student is busy studying math. - 這個學生忙於研究數學。
For me, studying in another country is very exciting. - 對我來說,到國外留學是一件刺激而又有趣的事。
I'm studying upstairs. - 我在樓上讀書。
has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world. - 花了畢生的精力來研究世界各地的活火山和探洞。
For his lifentime's work in studying the communication of animals, including honey bees, Professor Karl von Frisch was given a Nobel Prize in 1973, which he shared with two other scientists. He died in 1982. - 由於卡爾·馮·弗裡施教授一生都在研究蜜蜂在內的動物之間信息的傳遞,他和另外兩位科學家在1973被授予一項諾貝爾獎。他於1982年去世。