





r. collectively ,conjointly ,in collaboration ,in concert


together[tə'ɡeðə]adv. 一起;同時;相互;連續地;總共adj. [俚]新潮的;[口]情緒穩定的,做事有效率的


Together 一起;和你在一起;在一起;愛就宅一起;get together 相聚,聚集;會面,裝配;聚集;集合,聚集;pull together 齊心協力,團結起來;齊心協力;齊心協力,團結起來;通力合作;piece together 拼合,拼湊在一起;拼合,綜合,匯聚;收集;拼合,拼湊;hang together 一致,不矛盾;團結合作,互相支持;結合在一起;團結;


1.To-gether they were able to lift the sofa. 他們一起動手才抬起了那張沙發。

2.I hope we can be together forever. 我希望我們能夠永遠在一起。

3.We are not together for two months. 我們有兩個月沒有在一起了。


I'm too. I hope we can get together again. - 是的。我們後會有期。

Thanks for going. I figure we should get together more often. - 謝謝你接受邀請。我們日後多見些面吧!

we have to talk to Michelle together about being married. - 我們必須一起跟 Michelle談談我們結婚的事。

You and Mom haven't had dinner together with us - 你和媽媽沒有和我們一起吃晚餐

Let's get together and have a group study session. - 咱們在一起組織一個學習小組吧。

I'm trying to get together with her. - 我想和她在一起。

Do you want to get together and study sometime? - 你想和我一起學習嗎?

Do you think we could go out together sometime? - 你覺得什麼時候我們可以一起出去?

You know,maybe I'll put together some photos of Grandpa as a welcome present. - 我說,或許我把爺爺的一些照片組合起來,作為歡迎他的一份禮物。

Maybe we can spend some time together next weekend. - 也許下個週末我們可以一起玩玩。

But I think you two can have a good time together without me. - 但我覺得, 我不去你們也會玩得很開心。

it's ... it's important for Michelle to see us together more often. - 讓 Michelle看到我們更常在一起是……是很重要的。

We were together in the Thursday night drama society. - 我們過去總在星期四晚上的話劇社團聚會。

spend the entire weekend having a good time together here - 一起渡過一個快樂的週末

that will bring parents and teachers together once a week - 讓家長們及教師每星期一次

We need to find time to be together more, - 我們確實需要多找時間相聚一起

to do things together more--you and I. - 也需要多在一起工作, 你和我。

Well, we may read together aloud at home. - 嗯 ,我們或許可以在家, 一起大聲朗誦。

we need to put together volunteers - 我們需要募集義工

I worked to put together a book of photographs. - 我的工作是創作出一本攝影書。

Let's get together sometime. - 什麼時候我們聚一聚。

Why don't we see a movie together this weekend? - 這週末我們一起去看電影好嗎?

Nowadays many young people cohabit together without legal permission. - 如今很多年輕人未獲得法定允許就一起同居了。

His family is a nuclear family with three generations living together under one roof. - 他的家庭是三代同堂住在同一屋簷下。

Well, then, perhaps we can get together another time. - 也許我們可以另找時間聚一聚。

I'm miss all of you. Let's get together soon. - 我會相信你們,讓我們在不久的將來再相聚。

Their life together has been wonderfully happy. - 他們在一起的生活極為幸福。

Looking back, it seems like a very short five years living here and working together with you. - 回顧一下,在這裡和大家一起工作的五年看起來是那麼短暫。

Me too. I was hoping we could put this bicycle together for Tom's birthday. - 我也希望如此,我本來希望買這輛自行車做為送給湯姆的生日禮物。

Now, seeing them all here together for the first time. - 現在他們都到了這裡。

Let's get together one of these days. - 找一天聚聚。

They will be together forever. - 他們將會永遠結合在一起。

I think we may be able to work together in the future. - 我想也許將來我們可以合作。

Here is a price list together with a booklet illustrating our products. - 這兒有一份價目單和介紹說明我方產品的小冊子。

The many children of that family used to play together for hours. - 那一家的孩子們常常大夥一起玩上幾個小時。

Would you mind getting together sometime? - 你可以找個時間大家一起聚聚嗎?

Let's get together sometime. - 有時間我們聚一下吧。

John seldom gets together with his friends. - 約翰很少與朋友聚在一起。

The bat together with the balls was stolen. - 球拍和球全被偷了。

Sam and I had lunch together today. We went to a restaurant. - 我和薩姆今天一起吃的午飯。我們去了一家飯店。

By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi. - 到1886年10月底,這座雕像被重新組裝起來,由巴索爾地正式贈送給美國人民。

There were books, clothing and photographs, together with letters which the seaman had once received from his wife. - 其中有書箱、衣服、照片以及水手收到的妻子的來信。

From this the captain was able to piece together all the information that had come to light. - 據此,船長可以將所有的那些已經搞清的材料拼湊起來。

After buying a new chain I was faced with the insurmountable task of putting the confusing jigsaw puzzle together again. - 我買來一根新鏈條後,面臨的就是如何把這些令人眼花繚亂的拼板重新組裝起來。

We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them put together kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders. - 我們要十分感謝那些吃昆蟲的鳥和獸,然而把它們所殺死的昆蟲全部加在一起也只相當於蜘蛛所消滅的一小部分。

with, superimposed upon, it the continents, together with the islands and other features of the oceans. - 上面附加著大陸以及島嶼和海洋的其他形態。

Fine.let's get together again next week. - 好吧,那就下周再聚會了。

We're not going to be able to get together on price. - 在價格上我們的看法似乎無法一致。

I think we may be able to work together in the future. - 我想也許將來我們可以合作。

Let's get together again. - 改天再聚聚。


n.把紗線擰在一起 - twist threads together

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