sublimingn. 昇華v. [化]昇華(sublime的ing形式);使變得高尚
subliming 昇華;昇華裝置;subliming furnace 昇華爐;subliming ablator 昇華燒蝕材料;
1.Bai wangang. Subliming the organizational intelligence quotient, advancing the core competence[N]. The World Handlers Weekly, 2004-04-30. 白萬綱。昇華組織的智商,有效提升核心競爭力[N]。世界經理人週刊,2004-04-30。
2.Moon is entrusting the lily and pure flower petal gently soft fragrance is subliming along with distinct shine, how wonderful the watery moonlight and flowers are. 月光輕托著凝脂般的玉瓣,融融的馨香隨著清輝昇華,好一派如水的月融花呀。
3.Through 16 spatial series embodying the Olympic spirit and sports, the theme axis is built up to express human spiritual activities ascending in spires and subliming. 16個體現奧運精神和運動主題的序列空間,聯結成一條表達人類精神活動螺旋上升、直至昇華的主題軸線。