





n. case ,character ,eccentricv. typecast ,typewrite


n. antitype


Type[taip]n. 類型,品種;模範;樣式vt. 打字;測定(血等)類型vi. 打字


Type 文字;類型;打字;形態;blood type 血型;血液型;暈血;O型血;type selection 選型;典型選擇;類型選擇;模式選定;feminine type 女人氣質的;女剛出生的孩子氣質的;primitive type 原始類型;基本類型;原語類型;基本型態;


1.I typed three letters this morning. 今天早上我用打字機打了三封信。

2.Scroll to Network Type and press Select . 滾動到網絡類型和按下選擇。

3.Or type of topics? 還是題目的類型?


What type of visa have you got? - 您持的是哪種簽證?

What type of car did you want, sir? - 先生,你想要什麼類型的轎車?

Yes, but I can't type very quickly. - 有,但我打得不是很快。

How many words can you type per minute? - 你一分鐘能打多少字?

I type about 40 words per minute. - 一分鐘我能打40個字。

My favorite type of exercise is ... - 我最喜歡的鍛煉方式是……。

Did you know I can type almost 60 words per minuter? - 你知道嗎,我能每分鐘打60個字。

Because of the type of purchase, we can only ship by road. - 由於商品的性質,我方只能使用公路運輸。

To type a term paper - 用打字機打期末報告

The designer is going to create a new type of dress. - 服裝設計師正在設計新款女裝。

What is the type of furture? - 這是什麼類型的傢俱?

This letter's full of mistakes. I want you to type it again. - 這封信裡錯誤百出。我要你重打一遍。

Can she type this letter for me?Ask her please. - 她能為我打一下這封信嗎?請問她。

Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela? - 請你把這封信給老闆打一下可以嗎,帕梅拉?

I can't type this letter. - 我打不了這封信。

When the fire had at last been put out, the forest authorities ordered several tons of a special type of grass-seed which would grow quickly. - 在大火最後被撲滅後,森林管理當局訂購了好幾噸一種生長迅速的特殊類型的草籽。

The fire brigade was called and two fire fighter freed George using a special type of grease. - 有人打電話叫來消防隊,兩位消防隊員使用了一種特殊的潤滑劑才使喬治得以解脫。

However, a new type of humour, which stems largely from the U.S.,has recently come into fashion. - 然而,近來一種新式幽默流行了起來,這種幽默主要來自美國。

It is, in fact, a primitive type of calendar. - 事實上是一種最原始的日曆。

Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke: the hoax. - 大學生擅長一種特殊的惡作劇——戲弄人。

Later it was found that there was a type of mosquito which acted as the carrier of this disease and passed it on to the rabbits. - 後來又發現,有一種蚊子是傳播這種疾病的媒介,能把此病傳染給兔子。

Now that they could ride horses, it became easier to hunt the bison, a type of cattle which used to exist in huge numbers on the plains of America. - 當他們從一個營地搬到另一個營地去的時候,他們就可以利用這些野馬來運載貨物。既然土著人會騎馬了,獵取野牛也就容易了。這種野牛以前是成群結隊地生活在美洲平原上的。

There is a new type of machine which can produce colour copies. - 有一種新型的機器能夠製作出彩色複印件。

When you type a letter, the writing appears on a screen in front of you and is recorded onto a computer disk. - 當你打一封信時,字跡出現在你前面的屏幕上並顧在電腦的磁盤裡。


epithelioid type synoviosarcoma - 上皮樣型滑膜肉瘤

epithelioid type mesothelioma - 上皮樣型間皮瘤

epithelial cell type thyomoma - 上皮細胞型胸腺瘤

anomocytic type of stoma - 不規則型氣孔

n. nontransferred type plasma arc cutting - 不轉移式等離子體電弧切割

n. wire type penetrameter - 絲形透度計

central type carcinoma of lung - 中央型肺癌

central type carcinoma of lung - 中心型肺癌

mid-speed centrifuge; swing type centrifuge - 中速離心機

aortic type of heart; heart of aortic configuration - 主動脈型心臟

n. cross beam type rolling mill - 主橫樑式軋機

type error - 二型誤差

n. both rotating type friction welder - 二軸旋轉式摩擦焊接機

n. mutual-induction type coil arrangement - 互感型線圈

n. mutual-induction type coil - 互感式線圈

n. mutual-induction type coil arrangement - 互感式線圈配置

n. mutual comparison type coil - 互比式線圈

well type scintillation counter - 井型閃爍計數器

extension type supracondylar fracture of humerus - 伸展型肱骨髁上骨折

n. low hydrogen type electrode - 低氫型電焊條

n. low vacuum type electron beam welding - 低真空型電子束焊接

physical profile; profile graph; sbody type mape - 體型圖

n. skip hoist type charging machine - 倒卸升降式裝料機

paranoid type schizophrenic psychosis - 偏執型精神分裂性精神病

n. flywheel type press - 儲能壓機

n. inertia type friction welding machine - 儲能摩擦焊機

phototube type fractional collector - 光電管型分次收集器

immunecomplex reaction; type reaction - 免疫復合體反應

rabbit type antibody - 兔型抗體

n. full excentric type crank press - 全偏心式曲柄壓機

full-wave rectifying type x-ray apparatus - 全波整流式X線機

n. divisional type oil hydraulic press - 內外滑塊分別導向的油壓機

adult type tuberculosis; reinfection tuberculosis - 再感染性結核

cold type consumption - 冷勞

n. cold chamber type die-casting machine - 冷卻箱型壓鑄機

cold type and heat type malnutrition - 冷熱疳

n. shrink fit type direct pilot - 冷縮裝配式

n. chisel type scrap cutter - 鑿刀型切片機

n. chisel type scrap cutter - 鑿刀形廢料切斷裝置

n. chisel type scrap cutter - 鑿式碎屑切削工具

n. segment type water cooled cupola - 分段式水冷沖天爐

n. divisional type oil hydraulic press - 分段式油壓機

n. step type sport welder - 分段運動焊機

brush type bonded stationary phase - 刷型鍵合固定相

n. shear type cutting - 切變型切割

parainfluenza type 3 prostaglandin; pg - 前列腺素

n. shear type cutting - 剪切式切斷

heavy type suture needle - 加粗型縫合針

n. moving-die type stretch-form machine - 動模式張拉成形機

n. moving-jaw type stretch-form machine - 動鉗式張拉成形機


A型粒子 - A type particle

n.腹塊型 - abdominal-mass type

異型 - aberrant type

n.頓挫型 - abortive type

n.棘皮瘤型造釉細胞瘤 - acanthomatous type of ameloblastoma

n.腺泡型肝細胞癌 - acinar type hepatic cell carcinoma

n.活動型 - active type

急性暴髮型 - acute fulminating type

n.急性壞死型 - acute necrotic type

n.急型 - acute type

n.急型克山病 - acute type keshan disease

腺病毒型12 - adenovirus type 12

腺病毒型3 - adenovirus type 3

n.粘連型 - adhesive type

n.再感染性結核 - adult type tuberculosis

IV型變態反應,4型過敏反應 - allergy type 4 reaction

n.無顆粒型 - agranular type

n.通風冷卻型離心機 - air cooling type centrifuge

n.烯丙鹵型 - allylic halides type

雙呼吸型,雙端氣門式 - amphipneustic type

n.基底細胞型造釉細胞瘤 - ameloblastoma of basal cell type

胺類 - amine type

n.不等細胞型 - anisocytic type

n.厭氧型 - anaerobic type

n.血管瘤型腦膜瘤 - angiomatous type meningioma

n.無規則型 - anomocytic type

n.不規則型氣孔 - anomocytic type of stoma

n.主動脈型心臟 - aortic type of heart

長吸呼吸型 - apneustic type

n.中風體型 - apoplectic type

n.虛中 - apoplexy of deficiency type

n.熱痺 - arthritis of heat type

n.藝術型 - artistic type

n.腹水型 - ascitic type

聯合型 - association type

n.衰弱型,無力型 - asthenic type

n.冷哮 - asthma of cold type

n.冷哮 - asthma of cole type

n.熱哮 - asthma of heat type

n.虛喘 - asthma of insufficiency type

運動員體型 - athletic type

n.萎縮型 - atrophic type

n.減弱型 - attenuated type

平型 - balanced type

n.基底型 - base type

n.基本核型 - basikaryo type

n.槍狀電凝鑷 - bayonet type coagulation forceps

n.槍形耳用鑷 - bayonet type ear forceps

n.槍形腸鉗 - bayonet type intestinal clamps

n.槍形壓腸板 - bayonet type intestinal spatula

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