type-restriction 類型限定;
1.Features Fully stainless steel construction. Platen type table ensures easy cleaning and product handling - without space restriction. 特 性 全機採用不銹鋼材質,平台式包裝檯面,放取包裝物不受空間限制,堅固耐用、容易清理。
2.The farmers concentrate the housing either spontaneously or impelled by the government with the factor of advancement, restriction and some policy-type problems. 農民集中居住意願表現為自發性意願和政府推動後意願,其意願存在著推進因素和制約因素,也存在著一些政策性問題。
3.the unconditional two-cranks mechanism is chosen as the type of planar five-bar mechanism to synthesise. The restriction of the optimization are deduced from above. 選用無條件兩回轉副作為平面五桿機構的設計類型,並以此建立約束方程。