





SEE[si:]vt. 看見;理解;領會vi. 看;看見;領會


see 看見;看,看見,瞭解,領會,注意;參見 參閱;生態協會;see through 看透,識破;幹完,幹到底;看穿,識破;打個大西瓜;see that 注意,務必,保證;務必使…;要注意使…;注意, 務必, 保證;see films 看電影;睇戲;Holy See 教廷;羅馬教廷;梵蒂岡教廷;梵蒂岡;


1.When I looked out of the window I saw her crossing the road. 我向窗外看時,看見她在過馬路。

2.Here is what I see this month. 以下是我在這個月看到的事。

3.I wonder if you see all this. 我想知道你是否看到了這些。


I'd like to see the doctor at the earliest possible time. - 我想盡快看醫生。

Thank you, Mr. Wang. See you later. - 謝謝您,王先生。再見!

Have you been here to see Dr. Tyler before? - 你曾來過泰勒醫務所看過醫生嗎?

Yes. It's a great way to really see the canyon. - 真的。那是真正參觀峽谷的好方式。

You pay there. I have the next group to go down. I'll see you soon then. - 你在那兒付錢。我帶的下一個團就是要下去的。回見!

You go ahead with the formalities. I'll see to the heavy luggage. - 您先去辦手續,我來幫您照看大件行李。

And I'll need to see your passport. - 另外,我需要看一下您的護照。

Glad to see you too, we met two years ago. - 我也很高興,我們兩年前見過一次。

So you really don't see your way to get it down a bit? - 你真的不能再降一點了嗎?

Please go over it and see if everything is in order. - 請再過目一下,看看是否都符合規定。

You'll see a dotted line on the last page. - 你會在最後一頁上看到一條虛線。

That's OK. Everybody else does, too. See you tomorrow. - 沒關係。大家都是這樣。明天見。

Just got back. It's good to see you both again. - 剛剛回來。真幸運再次見到你們二位。

Glad to see you. Good-bye. - 很高興見到你。再見。

Thanks. I'll see you Monday at the office. - 謝謝。咱們星期一辦公室再見了。

I will. See you later. - 我會告訴她的。再見!

I'm really glad to see you. - 我真高興看到你。

Good afternoon, Mrs. Martin. I've come to see Mr. Martin. - 您好,馬丁夫人。我來看看馬丁先生。

I think I see some fish right under us, Dad. - 爸爸, 我想我看見一些魚就在我們下方的水 。

It's nice to see you again. - 很高興再見到你們。

to see Susan become Mrs. Harry Bennett. - 目睹Susan成為Harry Bennett太太。

Hello, it's good to see you again. - 很高興又見到你。

Goodbye, hope to see you again. - 再見, 希望再次見到你。

What did you see on your vacation? - 在假期中都看了些什麼?

The way I see it, we should get more holidays. - 我看我們應該有更多的假期。

May I see the wine list? - 我能看看酒單嗎?

I don't think we should see each other any more. - 我覺得以後咱們還是別再見面了。

I want to see other people. - 我想換換別人。

I never want to see you again. - 我再也不想見你了。

Let me see your driver's license. - 給我看一下你的駕駛執照。

Let's go to see a show. - 我們一起去看場電影吧。

May I see you in my office? - 你可以到我的辦公室來一下麼?

Can I see your selection of perfumes? - 我能看一下你們的香水嗎?

May I see the mirror, please? - 我可以照照鏡子嗎?

May I see your resume? - 我可以看一下你的簡歷嗎?

I can see well both day and night. - 我白天晚上都能看得很清楚。

My parents are expecting to see good grades this semester. - 我父母希望我這個學期取得好成績。

I would like to see you again. - 希望再次見到你。

Would you like to see them? - 要不要看一看?

I'm really glad to see you. - 非常高興見到 。

I brother'll be really glad to see you! - 我的意思是我哥哥見到你會非常高興。

OK. Thanks. See you later. - 好 謝謝。再見。

I'm ready. See you later, Marilyn. - 我準備好了。Marilyn 再見。

Bye, Marilyn. Hope to see you again. - 再見 Marilyn。希望能再看到 。

Harry, would you like to see a menu? Harry - 你想看看菜單嗎?

Will you see him again? - 你會再見他嗎?

Does that mean that I can see you again? - 是不是說我可以再見到你?

I can't wait, to see them! - 我恨不得馬上見到他們。

I can't wait to see her. - 我等不及要見她。

Oh, Grandpa, I'm so happy to see you! - 啊, 爺爺! 見到您我真高興。


anoxia; cells hypoxic; cells see hypoxic cells - 乏氧

Take two doses and see what happens - 先服兩付看看

see order blank - 參見醫囑本

cells irradiated; cells see survival curve; cells surviving fraction - 照射後細胞存活率

cells dna synthesis in; cells see under dna - 細胞內DNA合成

cells dna synthesis in; cells see under dna - 細胞內dna合成


n.乏氧 - cells see hypoxic cells

n.照射後細胞存活率 - cells see survival curve

n.細胞內DNA合成,細胞內dna合成 - cells see under dna

n.先服兩付看看 - Take two doses and see what happens

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