





aversive stimulation 反向刺激;intracerebral stimulation 釋義:腦內刺激;bifocal stimulation 釋義:雙灶剌激;mechanical clitoral stimulation 釋義:機械性陰蒂刺激;manual clitoral stimulation 釋義:手陰蒂刺激;


1.Effect of vagal stimulation on the shortening or suppression of ventricular fibrillation (VF) induced by single extrasystolic stimulation in acute ischemic myocardium in rabbits was observed. 單個期前刺激引起急性缺血心臟能終止的心室纖顫。電刺激左側頸迷走神經外周端可以縮短心室纖顫的持續時間。

2.Stimulation at this site is typically delivered at low frequencies in contrast to the high frequency stimulation required for therapeutic benefit in the subthalamic nucleus. 在這個位點的治療刺激一般採用低頻刺激而不是像亞丘腦核這樣使用高頻刺激。

3.External environment was regard as a kind of stimulation, the robot does not need to make path plan and just to act by this stimulation. 將外界的環境作為一種刺激,機器人只是針對該刺激做出反應,無須進行運動規劃。

4.Methylxanthines cause central nervous system stimulation, diuresis, cardiac muscle stimulation &smooth muscle relaxation. 甲基化黃嘌呤?會引起中樞神經系統興奮,多尿,心肌興奮和平滑肌鬆弛。

5.The threshold of the stimulation requires high energy to operate and also produces equipment heat that leads to inefficient stimulation. 刺激閾值所需要的能耗大,由此儀器產熱並造成刺激有效性降低。


n. well stimulation method - 井的模擬法

follicle stimulating hormone releasing factor; follicle stimulatinghormonereleasingfactor; follicle stimulation hormone r促卵泡激素釋放因子; follicle-stimulating hormone releasing factor - 促卵泡激素釋放因子

thyrotropin releasing hormone stimulation test - 促甲狀腺激素釋放激素興奮試驗

adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test - 促腎上腺皮質激素試驗

induce and promote lactation; promotion of lactation; stimulate milk secretion; stimulation of lactation - 催乳

stimulation test - 興奮試驗

stimulation index - 刺激指數

stimulation pont - 刺激點

stimulation level - 刺激級

eosinophil stimulation factor - 嗜酸性細胞刺激因子

eosinophil stimulation promotor - 嗜酸細胞刺激促進因子

maximal stimulation test - 最大刺激試驗

lymphocyte stimulation test - 淋巴細胞刺激試驗

lymphocyte stimulation test - 淋巴細胞表面免疫球蛋白

thyroid stimulation antibodies - 甲狀腺刺激抗體

thyroid stimulation test - 甲狀腺刺激試驗

electric stimulation therapy - 電興奮療法

chemical stimulation of brain - 腦化學刺激

electrical stimulation of the brain - 腦的電刺激

nonconvulsive electric stimulation tretment - 非抽搐性電刺激治療

nonspecific stimulation therapy - 非特異性刺激療法


加速刺激 - acceleratory stimulation

腎上腺素能刺激 - adrenergic stimulation

腎上腺受體刺激 - adrenoceptor stimulation

n.促腎上腺皮質激素試驗 - adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test

腺嘌呤環酶刺激 - adenylate cyclase stimulation

陽極開放刺激 - anodal break stimulation

n.抗原刺激 - antigenic stimulation

n.人工刺激 - artificial stimulation

溫度刺激 - caloric stimulation

n.頸動脈竇刺激 - carotid sinus stimulation

化學刺激 - chemical stimulation

n.腦化學刺激 - chemical stimulation of brain

n.慢性刺激 - chronic stimulation

n.寒冷性刺激 - cold stimulation

恆定電流刺激 - constant current stimulation

恆定電壓刺激,固定電壓刺激 - constant voltage stimulation

n.交叉興奮 - corss stimulation

n.交叉再刺激 - cross stimulation

n.直接刺激 - direct stimulation

判別刺激 - discriminative stimulation

多巴胺受容體藥 - dopamine stimulation

兩點同時刺激 - double simultaneous stimulation

藥物刺激 - drug stimulation

n.脈衝電刺激 - electric-implse stimulation

n.脈衝電刺激 - electric-impulse stimulation

n.電刺激 - electric stimulation

n.電興奮療法 - electric stimulation therapy

n.電刺激 - electrical stimulation

n.腦的電刺激 - electrical stimulation of the brain

n.皮膚電刺激 - electrocutaneous stimulation

好酸刺激 - eosinophil colony stimulation

n.嗜酸性細胞刺激因子 - eosinophil stimulation factor

n.嗜酸細胞刺激促進因子 - eosinophil stimulation promotor

卵胞刺激 - estrogen stimulation

n.感應電強直刺激 - faradic tetanic stimulation

場刺激 - field stimulation

n.閃光刺激 - flashing stimulation

n.促卵泡激素釋放因子 - follicle stimulation hormone r促卵泡激素釋放因子

機能的電氣刺激 - functional electric stimulation

n.功能性電刺激 - functional electrical stimulation

電刺激(作用) - galvanic stimulation

免疫刺激 - immune stimulation

n.脈衝刺激 - impulse stimulation

n.間接刺激 - indirect stimulation

n.段續刺激 - interrupted stimulation

n.顱內刺激 - intracranial stimulation

n.閃光刺激 - ligthning stimulation

閾刺激 - liminal stimulation

激化性脂多糖 - lipopolysaccharide stimulation

局部刺激 - local stimulation

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