





n. death ,ending ,final stage ,goalv. cease ,finish ,stop ,terminate


n. beginning ,commencement ,first ,middlev. begin ,commence ,get ,start


end[end]n. 結束;目標;盡頭;末端;死亡vi. 結束,終止;終結vt. 結束,終止;終結


end 結束;從設置模式退出;尾端;末端;end up 結束,告終;把……往上送,發射;告終;結果是……;end bay 單邊架間;尾格;末端架間;這跨;WEST END 倫敦西區;西端;西尾;西區;end off 結束;包端鬆散結束;包端鬆散;完結;


1.They ended the discussion on a note of optimism. 他們在樂觀的調子中結束了討論。

2.Yes, at the end of the day. 對的。在今天活動結束的時候。

3.Loneliness, hopelessness search the end of time. 孤獨,絕望,尋覓到時間的盡頭。


We would expect to hold them until at least the end of this year. - 我們會保持這些價格不變,至少直到今年年底。

Will I be able to receive the goods by the end of September? - 我可以在9月底以前收到貨嗎?

This time draft will fall due at the end of this year. - 這張期票年底到期。

I don't want a dead end job. - 我不想做沒有前途的工作。

I can barely stand up by the end of a hard day. - 辛苦了一天之後,我都站不起來了。

I want to end our relationship. - 我想結束咱倆的關係。

There's no end to the paperwork I have on my desk. - 我桌上的工作永遠沒個完。

And now to see the end of the football game. - 現在去看看足球賽的最後一段。

at the end of the semester. - 就在這個學期結束的時候。

till you get to the end of the fence. - 到柵欄的盡頭。

but in the end the voters will have to decide. - 但最後卻要由選民來決定。

Talk it over. Think it over. Let me know by the end of the week. - 好好地談一談。好好地想一想。這個週末以前讓我知道你的決定。

Let me know by the end of the week. - 這個週末前給我回音。

Six table lamps. Three end tables. One piano. - 六個燈。三張茶几。一 鋼琴。

I can't put it strongly enouth, I need to make a sale before the end of the week. - 我鄭重宣佈,我要在本週末前搞一次大減價。

Many new marriages end in divorce. - 許多現代的婚姻以離婚收場。

Do you think the end is all right? - 你看結尾還行嗎?

But personally I believe a business letter should end with Very truly yours, not Sincerely. - 還行,喬治。但是我個人相信一封商業信函應該以「敬上」結尾,而不是「謹啟」。

I considered changing my job,k but in the end I decided not to. - 我考慮換個工作,但最後我決定不換了。

The Senator acceded to his defeat before the end of the election. - 那位參議員在選舉結束以前就承認落選了。

Charity begins at home, but should not end there. - 仁愛須由近及遠。

Choice of the end covers choice of the means. - 選擇目的包含著選擇手段。

I'd appreciate it if you'd wait until be end for questions. - 如果你等我做完再詢問我會感激你的。

It's already in production, so you can expect it in stores before the end of the month. - 產品已投產了,所以月底前你可以獲得。

I'd say the expected delivery date should be by the end of the month. - 我得說預定發貨日期應該在本月底。

The end of next month looks like the most probable sales date. - 下個月底好像是最佳的銷售日。

We think your Chunlan brand air conditioners will be selling well at this end and we are looking forward to receiving your samples soon. - 我們認為你方的春蘭牌空調機在這裡會很暢銷,希望很快收到你們的樣品。

We are delighted to know that you deal with export of Chinese chinaware. Could you supply us 300 sets of tableware for shipment before the end of May? - 欣悉你方是中國瓷器出口商。能否給我方供應300套餐具,五月底前交貨。

We no longer manufacture pure cotton shirts as their retail prices tend only to attract that upper end of the market. - 我方已不再生產純棉襯衫因為其零售價格只能吸引高檔消費者。

Can David foresee the end of the job work? - 戴維能預知承攬工作的結果嗎?

I must play my spare time well, or I end up doing nothing. - 我必須善於利用空閒的時間,否則生命將會在無所事事中告終。

Good to begin well, better to end well. - 善始好,善終更好。

I now know that wars do not end wars. - 如今我才弄明白,干戈不能化玉帛。

In the end things will mend. - 船到橋頭自會直。

The end crowns the work. - 工作成敗要看結果。

The end justifies (or sanctifies) the means. - 只問目的,不問手段。

Things rashly taken end as ill. - 草率從事沒有好結果。

I will be back by the end of next month. - 我下個月底會回來。

Why don't you find a job and end this dependence upon your parents? - 你為何不找個工作不再依靠你的父母呢?

Workers will have completed the new roads by the end of this year. - 工人們將在今年年底前把新路鋪好;

By the end of next year, they will have finished work on the new stadium. - 到明年年底,他們將把新體育場建成。

They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. - 他們還十分肯定火災也不是由煙頭引起的。

It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. - 它在接近終點時,衝下了山坡,駕駛員費了好大勁才把車停下來。

'To end our special news bulletin,' said the voice of the television announcer, 'we're going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria. - 「作為我們專題新聞節目的結尾,」電視廣播員說,「我們現在到克拉布利亞的通心粉田里。

This last scene shows you what will happen at the end of the harvest: - 節目最後向你展示在豐收後發生了什麼事情:

By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi. - 到1886年10月底,這座雕像被重新組裝起來,由巴索爾地正式贈送給美國人民。

The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool. - 孩子們比賽看誰先到達游泳池的另一端。

The reader's hair stands on end when he reads in the final pages of the novel that the heroine a dear old lady who had always been so kind to everybody, had, in her youth, poisoned every one of her five husbands. - 當讀者到小說最後幾頁瞭解到書中女主人公,那位一向待大家很好的可愛的老婦人年輕時一連毒死了她的5個丈夫時,不禁會毛骨悚然。

It marked the end of the great tradition of ships with sails and the beginning of a new era. - 它標誌著帆船偉大傳統的結束與一個新紀元的開始。

He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg. - 晚會結束時,他嘴裡還在嘟噥著醫院的事,突然踩到一塊冰上滑倒了,摔斷了左腿。


end to side mesocaval venous anastomosis - 下腔靜脈腸系膜靜脈端側吻合術

n. Jominy end quench test - 喬米尼淬透性試驗

end product - 代謝終產物

n. cut end surface - 割斷端面

n. coil end compensation - 卷端校正

right ventricular end diastolic pressure - 右心室舒張終末壓

end of inspiration - 吸氣未期

zero end expiratory pressure - 呼氣終末零壓呼吸

basal plate; basalia; base plate; end plate; endplate; n. matrix gage - 基板

hesd end controlled universal operation table - 頭端操縱式綜合手術台

resection of distal end of ulna - 尺骨運端切除術

survival end point - 存活終止點

end peak - 尾峰

end piece; endpiece - 尾段

end part; pars terminalis - 尾部

end cuts - 尾餾份

left ventricular end diastolic dimension; left ventricular internal dimension enddiastole - 左心室舒張末期內徑

left ventricular end diastolic pressure - 左心室舒張末期壓力

left ventricular end diastolic volume - 左心室舒張末期容量

end window - 底窗

cardiac end diastolic volume; ventricular end-diastolic volume - 心室舒張末容積

end systolic dimension - 收縮末期體積

end systolic pressure; endsystolicpressure - 收縮末期壓

end systolicvolume; endsystolicvolume - 收縮末期容積

end systolic length - 收縮末期長度

end inspiratory crepitation - 晚期吸氣性爆裂音

end stagerenaldisease; end-stage renal disease; endstagerenaldisease - 晚期腎病

end dilution value - 最後稀釋值

end product inhibition - 最終產物抑制

end diastolic pressure - 末期舒張壓

end absorption - 末端吸收

n. end loss - 末端損失

n. end tab - 末端接頭

end effect; n. end effect - 末端效應

dead stopendpoing; dead-stop end poing; deadstopendpoing - 死停終點

dead-stop end point method - 死永停圖點法

dead stopendpoing; dead-stop end poing; deadstopendpoing - 永停終點

dead-stop end point method - 永停終點法

stimulate circulation to end stasis - 活血化淤

end point of titration - 滴定終點

ruffini end organ; thermo receptor - 熱感受器

blind end of rectum - 直腸盲端

end of synthesis; eos - 短壽命素標記化合物合成完畢

n. end gage - 端側規

end group; terminal group - 端基

end group distribution - 端基分佈

end group titration - 端基滴定

end wall - 端壁

n. end gage - 端測規

end cell; teloblast - 端細胞


n.粘性末端 - adhesive end

氨基末端 - amino terminal end

n.直腸盲端 - blind end of rectum

n.平整末端 - blunt end

n.心室舒張末容積 - cardiac end diastolic volume

n.尾端 - caudal end

n.中樞端 - central end

n.鼻中隔魚尾鑿 - chisel with fish tal end

n.粘性末端 - cohesive end

n.死停終點,永停終點 - dead-stop end poing

n.死永停圖點法,永停終點法 - dead-stop end point method

n.骨歪 - displacement of the fractured end of a bone

n.離中心端,遠心端 - distal end

端端吻合 - end to end anastomosis

n.股骨遠端骨骺分離 - epiphysiolysis of distal end of femur

n.股骨下端骨骺分離 - epiphysiolysis of lower end of femur

n.接目端 - eyepiece end

n.傘端 - fimbial end

n.平整末端 - flush end

n.翻口端 - frayed end

n.游離二氧化硅 - free end

n.頭端操縱式綜合手術台 - hesd end controlled universal operation table

n.間接末端標記 - indirect end labeling

n.肢端缺血 - ischemia of extremity end

n.左心室舒張末期內徑 - left ventricular end diastolic dimension

n.左心室舒張末期壓力 - left ventricular end diastolic pressure

n.左心室舒張末期容量 - left ventricular end diastolic volume

n.絕骨 - lower end of os fibula

肺動脈纖線舒張期末端壓力 - lung artery diastolic end pressure

n.向中端 - mediad end

運動終板,運動神經終板 - motor end plate

n.針尾 - needle end

n.近端,中樞端 - proximal end

n.肺動脈端舒張壓 - pulmonary arterial end diastolic pressure

n.還原端 - reducing end

n.尺骨運端切除術 - resection of distal end of ulna

n.右心室舒張終末壓 - right ventricular end diastolic pressure

n.熱感受器 - ruffini end organ

n.股骨下端牽引術 - skeletal traction tqrongh distal end of femur

n.趾端皮膚壓迫試驗 - skin compression test of digital end

n.螺旋形終末 - spiral end

n.粘性末端 - sticky end

n.活血化淤 - stimulate circulation to end stasis

n.存活終止點 - survival end point

創端 - wound end

n.呼氣終末零壓呼吸 - zero end expiratory pressure


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