end-all['endɔ:l]n. 終結;大團圓
end-all 終結;最終目標;終結, 大團圓;happy ending end-all 大團圓;be-all and end-all 要義;終極目的;Best High End All-Sex Release 最佳高端兩性發行;The War to End All Wars --- 終戰之役;
1."So taking a single testosterone level and extrapolating from that is not the be-all and end-all, " he said. 他說「因此採用單獨的睪酮水平並由此推斷不是首要的和最終的目標。」
2.Everyone has in their office equipment they purchased they believed to be an end-all that turned out to be a zero. 每個人都把他們買的,他們最終可以信賴的辦公室設備變成了廢物!
3.The be-all and end-all for intake and exhaust pipes is to prevent them from air leak. During routine maintenance, take care to check and ensure torque of tightening bolt. 進排氣管最要緊的是不能漏氣,例行保養的時候注意檢查保證緊固螺栓力矩。