n. fauvist
fauve[fəuv]n. 野獸派畫家
fauve 野獸派畫家;淺黃褐色的;The Fauve Artists 野獸派;Basset Fauve de Bretagne 小型獵犬中的法國褐毛短腿獵犬;淺黃不列塔尼短腿犬;
1.Dr Fauve's model of the Earth's core was a cylindrical tank some 50cm long filled with liquid sodium. Fauve博士的地心模型是一個50厘米長的圓柱形容器,裡面裝有液態鈉。
2."At the start there was a lot of pushing, " said Fauve Stukje, 18, who came with a small group of friends and a big pink sign. 十八歲的參賽者菲芙.史都琪耶說:「大家在起跑點擠成一團。」陪同她前來的朋友們則在一旁舉著粉紅色的大標語。
3."At the start there was a lot of pushing, you really get elbowed over, " said Fauve Stukje, 18, who came with a small entourage and a big pink sign —but failed to win, show or place. 18歲的福芙