





Henan Provincial Delegation Admires Ethiopia's favorable investment Environment 中國河南省代表團稱讚埃塞良好的投資環境;advantaged advantageous favorable favored furthersome remunerative 有利的;Intending to create favorable conditions for investments by investors of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party 為締約一方的投資者在締約另一方領土內的投資創造有利條件,;favorable neighbouring environment 良好的周邊環境;favorable variance 有利差異;有利差異,順差;有利的差異;有利差異,;


1.A favorable opinion of self can put a person on a hair trigger, especially when this favorable opinion is unwarranted. 對自己的良好評價會讓人陷於一觸即發的狀態,特別是這一評價毫無根據的時候。

2.The favorable zone bit and traffic advantages establish the favorable base for the development of the economy and society causes of Tongzhou. 良好的區位和交通優勢為通州的經濟和社會各項事業的發展奠定了良好的基礎。

3.Guangdong snacks——mini chewy cakes is a kind of favorable food with abundance alibility. But consumers have paid more and more attention to the problem of microorganism exceeding standard. 廣東小吃——迷你雞仔餅具有營養豐富,攜帶方便,口感好等特點,深受消費者的喜愛,然而其微生物超標等質量問題已越來越成為消費者擔憂和關注的焦點。

4.Bights of screw tread components adopt advanced CAD, and belong to knead conjugated model, possessing outstanding function of self-cleaning and favorable exchangeability. 螺紋元件的曲線採用先進的電腦輔助設計,成為捏合共軛型,具有優異的自潔功能和良好的互換性。

5.Bights of screw tread components adopt advanced CAD, and belong to knead conjugated model, possessing outstanding function of self-cleaning and favorable exchangeability. 螺紋元件的曲線採用先進的計算機輔助設計,成為捏合共軛型,具有優異的自潔功能和良好的互換性。


He made a favorable impression on her father. - 他給她的父親留下了很好的印象。

That movie received a favorable review. - 那部電影受到了好評。

As you know, my reaction to Peter was extremely favorable when I met him. - 如你所知,剛遇到彼德時我是非常喜歡他的。

You made a favorable impression on the examiners. - 你給主考留下了很好的印象。

We formed a very favorable impression of her. - 我們對她的印象極好。

If your prices are more favorable than those of your competitors we shall send you our order. - 如果你方價格比其他競爭對手的優惠,我們將向你們訂貨。

We trust that you will quote us your most favorable price for big quantities. - 相信由於我方大量訂購貴方能報最優惠價格。

Provided you can offer favorable quotations and guarantee delivery within four weeks from receipt of order, we will place regular orders with you. - 貴方若能報優惠價並保證在收到定單後4周內交貨,我方將定期訂購。

The price we offered is more favorable than the quotations you can get from our competitors, I'm afraid. - 恐怕我方報價比您從我方競爭對手那兒得到的報價更優惠。


five favorable signs of sores - 五善

external diseases with favorable prognosis - 外科順證

It is a favorable clinic reports - 此乃一份有利的臨報告

favorable case - 順證


n.外科順證 - external diseases with favorable prognosis

n.五善 - five favorable signs of sores

n.此乃一份有利的臨報告 - It is a favorable clinic reports

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