couabbr. 中華有機聯盟(Chinese Organic Union,內地一個歌手組合)
le cou 脖子;Cou elor 參贊;參事;顧問;jin cou 緊湊;cou el 律師;COU counter 計數器;
1.You Liaoqian, several sisters Cou with immediate Xing Yue, sharing a syringe to enjoy an instant mood-elevating. 有了錢,幾個姐妹湊在一起即時行樂,共用一支注射器享受瞬間的騰雲駕霧。
2.And each therapist, psychologist, social worker, vocational cou elor, educator, employment officer and recreational director may be concerned with the team work. 但是語言醫生、心理醫生、社會工作人員、職業介紹所官員和娛樂指導人員都可能參與保健隊工作。
3.The Chinese Government will encourage and support companies to increase their investment in ASEAN countries and facilitate the building of economic and trade cooperation zones in ASEAN cou ntries. 中國政府將鼓勵和支持企業進一步加大對東盟國家的投資,推動在東盟國家建立經濟貿易合作區。