





this[ðis, ॼృఉٳ]pron. 這;這個;這裡adj. 這;本;這個;今adv. 這樣地;這麼


this 這個;這,這個;()這個表徵;台灣醫療照護品質指標系列;This Way 遵 方向;這邊走;如此;這般;This Boy 童年;這個男孩;西班牙搖滾;this afternoon 今天下午;在今天下午;this evening 今天晚上;今天傍晚;今晚;在今天傍晚;


1.Of the two possibilities,this is the more likely than that. 兩者之中,後者比前者更有可能實現。

2.These are my friends. See how they glisten. See this one shine, how he smiles in the light. 這些是我的朋友。看看他們怎樣發光,看這閃亮的光彩,他怎樣在光亮中微笑。

3.If there are upward moving vortexes from the drug use of neighbors, let us close this down now. 如果有來自使用毒品的鄰居之向上移動的渦流,現在讓我們向下來關閉它。


Oh, Miss Li. This is Tom. I didn't recognize your voice. - 噢,李小姐。我是湯姆。我沒聽出你的聲音。

Why don't you call back later this afternoon? - 你何不今天下午再來電話呢?

Isn't this the Nanjing University? - 請問是南京大學嗎?

Can you relay this to Mr. Li? - 你能傳話給李先生嗎?

Oh, how do you do, Xiao Fu. This is Mary. - 哦,你好,小付。我是Mary。

Yeah, and I have to finish this report by four. - 是,我在四點之前得完成這個報告。

It's next week from this Monday. - 下個星期一。

Hello, this is Wang Ming. May I speak to Gao Ling, please? - 喂,我是王明,我可以和高玲通話嗎?

Oh, Wang Ming, this is she. - 哦,王明,我就是高玲。

Good morning. This is Huang Feng. - 早上好,我叫黃鳳。

No. This is my first visit. - 沒有。這是第一次。

Hi. This si Peter from Dr. Alice's office. - 嗨,你好,我是埃裡斯診所的彼得。

By the way, will we be able to get a refund on this cancellation? - 順便問一下,我們取消後可拿回定金嗎?

Can you assist me in this matter? - 這件事您能幫助我嗎?

Hello. This is an emergency. Can you please send an ambulance? - 喂,這兒有急病患者,請派一部救護車來。

Sir, I thought this was an emergency. - 先生,我想這是一位急病患者。

We are running a special offer on this holiday. - 我們在這個假期有個特價優惠。

Mr. Lu, we are very pleased to be able to offer this product to you. - 陸先生,我們很高興能提供這個產品給您。

Yes. This product will save you a lot of money and time. - 是的。這個產品可為你節省很多的錢和時間。

Hello. This is a representative of Zhongyou Department Store. - 喂,您好。我是中友百貨的。

Sir, this offer will expire this week. - 先生,這次特價這個禮拜就結束了。

I'd like to cash this check. - 我想兌現這張支票。

I'd like to have this check cashed. - 我想將這張支票兌現。

Can you cash this check for me? - 你能替我兌現這張支票嗎?

I'd like to have this check turned to cash. - 我想將這張支票換成現金。

I'd like to buy some stamps for this letter. - 我想買這封信的郵票。

Is this where I claim parcels? - 這裡是領包裹的地方嗎?

Is this where I get my parcels? - 這裡是我取包裹的地方嗎?

Is this the window for claiming parcels? - 這是領取包裹的窗口嗎?

Please cash this check. - 請兌現這張支票。

Did you make any long distance calls this morning, or did you sign for your breakfast? - 您今天早上沒有打長途電話或吃早餐記賬?

What is this charge here? - 這是什麼費用?

Is this my meal? - 這是我的菜嗎?

Is this what I ordered? - 這是我點的嗎?

I don't think this is my meal. - 我想這不是我點的。

Very good. Please fill out this form. - 很好,請填寫這張表格。

Is this the bus that goes by the mall? - 這班公共汽車經過商業街嗎?

No, it isn't. But you can transfer from this bus to bus number 24. - 不,不經過。但是你可以搭這班車轉乘24路。

Yes. When you get on the transfer bus, just show the bus driver this ticket stub. - 要。當你上了轉乘的公共汽車時,就把這張票根給司機看。

Is this bus going to Dallas? - 這車開往達拉斯嗎?

Have you ever done any work in this field? - 你曾經幹過這一行嗎?

Why are you interested in working with this company? - 你為什麼對在本公司工作感興趣?

What made you pick this job? - 你為什麼選擇這個工作?

Thank you for your interest in this position. - 謝謝你對本公司感興趣。

Why do you consider yourself qualified for this job? - 為何你認為你自己符合這職位的資格?

What makes you think you are qualified for this position? - 是什麼使你認為你有資格做這個職位?

I have spent the last five years working specifically in this field. - 過去五年我專門在這個領域裡工作。

No, I think I am an excellent match for this job. - 不,我認為我恰好適合這個職位。

How long do you plan to stay with this company, if hired? - 如果被僱傭,你打算在這家公司呆多久?

How much money are you looking for in this job? - 你希望的薪水是多少?


He isn't feeling quite himself this morning - 今天早晨他感到有點不舒服

this is a powder available - 有配好的散劑

The plague is prevailing in this city - 此城正流行瘟疫

This prescription can promote urination - 此方可開閉理尿

This chest pain is induced by exertion - 這種胸部陣痛是由過力引起


n.今天早晨他感到有點不舒服 - He isn't feeling quite himself this morning

n.此城正流行瘟疫 - The plague is prevailing in this city


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