





festival of lanterns lantern festival dumplings 元宵節;festival of lanterns lantern festival dumplings 元宵節;Festival Performer 節日慶祝者;Airwaves Rock Festival 平面;Aroma Festival 芳香節;


1.In addition, the Dragon Boat Festival have much another name, such as: Summer Festival, Bath Festival, daughter of festival, festival days, to wax, poets section and so on. 此外,端午還有許多別稱,如:夏節、浴蘭節、女兒節,天中節、地臘、詩人節等等。

2.The Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, Beijing holds first session Lu Gou the dawn month the Mid-Autumn Festival culture festival, brings honor to the traditional festival culture. 中秋佳節臨近,北京市舉辦首屆「盧溝曉月」中秋文化節,以弘揚傳統節日文化。

3.Emperors are coming spring, autumn festival on the social system, residential also on the Mid-Autumn festival winds later to take over the festival, a solemn worship effortless joy. 古代帝王有春天祭日,秋天祭月的社制,民家也有中秋祭月之風,到了後來賞月重於祭月,嚴肅的祭祀變成了輕鬆的歡娛。

4.Thus there are a lot of festivals, such as Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Mid-autumn Day, Pure-brightness Day, Dragon-boating Festival and so on. 因此有很多節日,譬如春節,元宵節,中秋節,清明節,龍舟節等等。

5.Sichuan : On Spring Festival Eve . people will eat chafing dish . On the first day of the Spring Festival , they will eat "tang yuan" . "Tangyuan" means reunion. 春節是中國人心中最重要的節日。到那時候,全家人都將會高高興興地聚到一起。不同的地方,有不同的風俗。


Well, there are Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-autumn Festival, Chung Yeung Festival and so on. - 嗯,還有端午節、中秋節、重陽節等等。

In China, Spring Festival is the biggest holiday of the year, but in the west Christmas is the biggest. - 中國最大的節日是春節,西方最大的節日是聖誕節。

Mid-autumn Festival is a traditional festival for family unification. - 中秋節是家人團聚的傳統節日。

The most important festival in China is the Spring Festival. - 中國國,最重要的節日是春節。

The Spring Festival lasts half a month until the Lantern Festival comes. - 春節要持續半個月左右,直到無宵節來為止。

A Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan. - 日本每年過一次「亡靈節」。

This festival is a cheerful occasion, for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living. - 這個節日是個歡樂的日子,因為在這一天,據說死去的人要回到他們的家裡來,活著的人則對他們表示歡迎。

In towns that are near the sea, the tiny lanterns which had been hung in the streets the night before, are placed into the water when the festival is over. - 在靠海的城鎮中,頭天夜裡掛在大街小巷的小燈籠在節後就放在了水裡。

crowning the youngest girl with flowers in the spring, holding a summer festival on Midsummer Eve, giving thanks for the harvest in the autumn, - 春天在河邊為最年輕的姑娘戴上花冠,夏天在河邊歡慶「仲夏前夜」,秋天在河邊豐收而感恩,

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