UNCabbr. 通用命名規約(Universal Naming Conversion);無條件的(unconditional)
UNC Uniform Naming Convention;統一標準粗牙螺紋;University of North Carolina;Universal Naming Conversion;UNC Charlotte 大學夏洛特分校;美國北卡大學;北卡大學夏洛特分校;Ci unc 鉤卷雲;UNC path 來訪問遠端的;UNC - 北卡羅來納-教堂山大學;
1.A research project at UNC-Chapel Hill is trying to develop a user-friendly filter for searching the Congressional Record. 北卡萊羅納大學教堂山分校研究計劃努力在發展一個對使用者界面友好的搜索國會記錄的過濾網站。
2.XXX is a book which looks at radical new approaches to learning, describing the effects of emotion, imagination and the unc**pious on learning. xxx這本書介紹了一種全新的學習方法,描述了情緒、想像和無意識在學習中的作用。
3.The Master of Accountancy degree at UNC Charlotte is designed to respond to the significant changes which are impacting the accounting profession. 在北卡羅來納大學夏洛特會計碩士學位,是為了回應是會計界影響重大變化。