mesquite 豆科灌木;牧豆樹;牧豆樹〔美國西南部和墨西哥生產的一種豆科植物;牧豆樹屬植物;Mesquite City 米思基市;mesquite gum 釋義:甜筴豆膠,墨西哥膠,豆膠樹樹膠;mesquit mesquite 豆科灌木;City of Mesquite 馬斯基市政府;
1.The content of this page is from the MESQUITE port or MESQUITE customs import and export company directory; 本頁面內容主要是來自MESQUITE港口或MESQUITE海關的進出口公司目錄;
2.The military convoy breaks a chain to open the gate, shoos cows from its path and circles the property on bumpy dirt road lined by mesquite trees. 軍隊的車衝破了一道鏈子打開大門,把母牛從路上噓走,並包圍了位於兩側種滿牧豆樹的崎嶇土路上的房屋。
3.nocturnal burrowing toad of mesquite woodland and prairies of the United States southwest. 美國西南部豆科灌木叢和草地中夜間活動的穴居蟾蜍。
4."All right, honey, " I said. By the time I tried to follow her, Becky had already disappeared into the mesquite. 「好吧,寶貝。」我說。還來不及跟上她呢耽美小說貝基就已經消失在豆科灌木叢中了。
5.A few miles inland from the Sea of Cortez in Mexico, amid cracked earth and mesquite and sun-bleached cac-tus, neat rows of emerald plants are sprouting from the desert floor. 從墨西哥科提茲海往內陸走幾哩,在乾燥龜裂的土地及豆科灌木和經陽光曝曬褪色的仙人掌當中,一排排整整齊齊的翠綠色植物從沙漠荒地中發芽生長。
mesquite gum - 豆膠樹樹膠