messianism[mi'saiənizəm]n. 對救世主的信念
messianism 救主即將降臨之信仰;
1.Firstly, I wonder why he cites the pseudo-Pauline epistles in an effort to uncover Paul's thought on messianism? 首先,我感到不解:他為何引用假借保羅為名的書信,以揭露保羅的彌賽亞思想?
2.The disciples of Jesus, with Peter at the head, react to the announcement of the redemptive Passion, that is, to the true messianism foretold and effected by the Beloved Son. 耶穌的門徒們,以伯多祿為首,對於救贖苦難宣告的反應,那是真救世主所預言,由愛子來完成的。
3.so have Mr Blair's doctrine of liberal interventionism and his creeping messianism, plus an atavistic Labour fear of seeming "soft" on defence and the perceived need to stand by America. 此外,布萊爾自由干涉他國內政的信條,不斷發展的彌賽亞注意,以及工黨一直擔心的事:防禦上顯得「軟弱」,也有必要支持美國行動。