





n. fibrous joint ,surgical seam ,sutura


suture['su:tʃə]n. [醫]縫合;縫合處;縫合用的線vt. 縫合


suture 縫線;縫合;縫合線;骨縫;suture needle 縫合針;縫針;醫療用縫合針;腸縫合針;apposition suture 對合縫術;wire suture 線縫法;釋義:金屬縫線;false suture 假縫;


1.Methods The operation method of Z-shaped altering has exact design and micro-trauma technique suture. 方法:採用「Z」字改形法,精確的手術設計,採用低創傷顯微技術縫合。

2.Methods:Operation of PPH and longitudinal suture of mucosa , high peri rectal injection were done in 15 cases with total rectal prolapse. 方法:對15例完全性直腸脫垂(~度)患者,採用PPH加黏膜柱狀縫合、直腸周圍高位注射治療。

3.Objective In order to prevent the recurrence of the severe blepharoptosis treated with transfer of frontalis muscle flap, the tension suture which could reduce the tension of anastomosis was applied. 目的為防止因額肌瓣轉移治療重度上瞼下垂術後復發,我們採用眉上減張法,以避免吻合口因張力大影響癒合的弊端。


triangular suture needle - 三角縫針

coronal suture of fetal head - 兒頭冠狀縫

sagittal suture of fetal head - 兒頭矢狀縫

pediatric suture needle - 兒科縫合針

suture of wound; traumatonesis - 創口縫合術

heavy type suture needle - 加粗型縫合針

division and suture of patent arterial duct - 動脈導管切斷縫合術

suture instrument and material - 醫用縫合器材

suture needle - 醫用縫合針

medical suture machine - 醫用縫紉器

suture of perforating wound of oral cavity - 口腔穿通傷縫合術

round suture needle - 圓縫針

surgcal suture needle; surgical sewing needle - 外科縫合針

cadaver suture needle - 屍體縫合針

gynecological suture needle - 婦科縫合針

suture of myometrium - 子宮肌層縫合

suture of internal orifice of cervix - 子宮頸內口縫合術

suture of ventricular spetal defect - 室間隔缺損縫術

twisted nylon suture thread - 尼龍捻股線

suture of scleral rupture - 鞏膜破裂縫合術

suture introducing forceps - 引線鉗

micro-vascular suture needle - 微血管縫合針

cardiovascular suture needle - 心血管縫合針

emergency suture set - 急救縫合手術包

suture of auricular septal defect - 房間隔缺損縫合術

suture needle for hand tendon - 手外傷肌腱修復縫合計針

finger suture needle - 手指縫合計

nontraumatic suture needle - 無創傷縫針

suture scissors titch scissors - 拆線剪

suture of finger tip injury - 指尖損傷縫合術

bronchial suture clamp - 支氣管縫合夾

plastic suture needle - 整形外科用縫合針

square bodied suture needle - 方體縫合針

non-traumatic suture needle - 無損傷縫合針

division and suture of patent ductus arteriosus - 未閉動脈導管切斷縫合術

suture introducer - 深部送線器

dental suture needle - 牙科縫合針

retention suture needle - 留置探子

retention suture needle - 留置術縫合針

retaining suture fixator - 留置縫線固定夾

subcutaneous suture needle - 皮下組織縫合針

straight suture needle - 直形縫合針

point-stimulation and suture therapy; pointstimulation and pom-suture therapy - 穴位刺激結紮療法

suture of perforation - 穿孔縫術

micro-point suture needle - 細針尖縫合針

slim blade suture needle - 細長刀口縫合針

suture with weaving prosthesis - 編織縫合法

suture material - 縫合材料

suture sterilizing jar - 縫合線消毒缸

suture wire cutter - 縫合鋼絲切割鉗


n.阿布德誼登氏反應 - abderhaldens suture

n.阿爾伯特氏腸縫合術 - alberts suture

n.阿波利托氏邊連續縫合術 - appolitos suture

粘合縫,鄰接縫合 - approximation suture

韌皮縫合法 - basting suture

n.貝爾氏縫合術 - bells suture

n.雙側減張縫合術 - bilateral-relaxation suture

n.膽道瘺縫合術 - biliary fistuls suture

n.紐扣形縫合術 - billroths suture

毯式縫術,毯式縫合 - blanket suture

n.血管縫合器 - blood vessel suture instrument

n.血管縫合針 - blood vessel suture needle

n.錘頭縫合針,鈍頭縫合針 - blunt point suture needle

枕墊縫術,篩縫合法 - bolster suture

骨縫術,骨縫 - bone suture

n.博斯曼氏縫合術 - bozemans suture

n.博斯曼氏縫合術 - bozemens suture

牽引縫合,馬勒樣縫術 - bridle suture

n.支氣管縫合夾 - bronchial suture clamp

埋入縫合法 - buried suture

n.扣眼縫合法 - button-hole suture

n.紐扣形縫合術 - button suture

n.屍體縫合針 - cadaver suture needle

n.心血管縫合針 - cardiovascular suture needle

n.腸線,腸線縫合 - catgut suture

n.環狀縫術 - circular suture

子宮頸環狀縫術 - circumferential suture of cervix

n.裂顎修補用縫合針 - cleftpalate suture neekle

鉗形縫合 - clip suture

枕墊縫術,組合結構 - compound suture

n.結膜縫合術 - conjunctival suture

n.康奈爾氏腸縫合術,康奈爾氏腸縫術 - connells suture

連續縫合 - continuous suture

n.額頂縫,冠狀縫 - coronal suture

n.兒頭冠狀縫 - coronal suture of fetal head

n.角鞏膜縫合術 - corneoscleral suture

n.棉縫合線 - cotton suture

顱縫 - cranial suture

n.庫興氏縫合術 - cushings suture

n.策-郎二氏縫合術,策-郎二氏縫術 - czerny-lembert suture

n.策爾尼氏縫合術,策爾尼氏縫術 - czernys suture

n.牙科縫合針 - dental suture needle

n.齒狀縫合術 - dentate suture

n.兩次縫術,延期縫合 - delayed suture

n.腹壁延期縫術 - delayed suture of abdominal wall

n.動脈導管切斷縫合術 - division and suture of patent arterial duct

n.未閉動脈導管切斷縫合術 - division and suture of patent ductus arteriosus

n.背縫 - dorsal suture

n.杜普伊特倫氏縫合術,杜普伊特倫氏縫術 - dupuytrens suture

n.杜韋日埃氏縫術 - duver-giers suture

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