collateralsn. 絡脈;抵押品(collateral的複數)
collaterals 絡脈;並列關係者;旁系親屬;抵押品擔保品;activating collaterals 釋義:活絡;yin collaterals 釋義:陰絡;larger collaterals 釋義:別絡;differentiating collaterals 釋義:辨絡脈;
1.Plan and develop hotel collaterals and secure the quality and production are up to Crowne Plaza Brand Standard. 計劃與製作酒店相關宣傳品,並且確保品質符合皇冠假日品牌標準。
2.This article introduces the relation between liver physiology, the circulation of channels and collaterals illness . 本文介紹了肝的生理、經絡循行與月經病的關係。
3.See Annex 3 for the minimum collateral level, overage collateral level and smallest LGD of the collaterals of different categories. 不同抵質押品的最低抵質押水平、超額抵質押水平,以及最低違約損失率見附件3。
activating collaterals to relieve pain - 活絡止痛
obstruct the collaterals of Shaoyang meridians - 郁阻少陽
collaterals located at the thenar eminence - 魚絡
n.活絡止痛 - activating collaterals to relieve pain
n.活絡 - activating the collaterals
n.中絡 - apoplexy involving the collaterals
n.中絡 - apoplexy involving tjhe collaterals
n.閉阻經路 - block meridian and collaterals
n.經絡 - channels and collaterals
n.十五絡 - fifteen main collaterals
n.胞脈受損 - impairment of uterine collaterals
n.大絡 - large collaterals
n.孫絡,孫脈 - minute collaterals
n.郁阻少陽 - obstruct the collaterals of Shaoyang meridians
n.經絡之海 - sea of channels and collaterals
n.經絡之海 - sea of channnels and collaterals
n.浮絡 - superficial collaterals
n.經絡學說 - theory of channels and collaterals
n.胞絡空虛 - underfilling of uterine collaterals
n.胞絡,胞脈絡 - uterine collaterals
n.胞脈不通 - vascular obstruction of the uterine collaterals
n.陽絡 - yang collaterals
n.陰絡 - yin collaterals
n.中經絡 - zpoplesxy involving the channels and collaterals