





n. deoxythymidine monophosphate ,metric ton ,tb ,thymine


Tsymb. [化]氚(tritium)n. 英語字母中的第二十個字母


CTRL T 自由變換;自由變換工具;自由變化;自由變換命令;AL T 谷丙轉氨酶;丙氨酸氨基轉移酶;肝功能;淋巴細胞白血病;T warrant (股票)認證股;Benlate T 苯菌雙混劑;(殺菌劑) 苯菌雙混劑;苯菌雙混劑(殺菌劑);T head T形頭;


1.And no you can't have my number. 還有,不好意思,不能給你我的電話。

2.Time is everything for all of us. 對於我們來說時間就是一切。

3.They want to get further information. 他們想得到更多的消息。


That's amazing! I t sure looks expensive. - 真想不到!看上去肯定以為很貴。

We should weep for men at their birth and not a t their death. - 我們應在人降生時流淚,而不該在人死亡時哭泣。

Imagine a star up t twenty times larger, brighter, brighter and hotter than our own sun. - 設想一下,一顆恆星比我們的太陽還要大,還要亮,還要熱20倍,

Live animals? I didn' t know we were going to take live animals with us, Sir. - 活的動物?我還不知道我們要帶活的動物,先生。

No! I mean, have you seen how dirty the water is? It looks as if it isn' t clean enough to bathe here. - 不!我的意思是您有沒有看見海水有多髒?看起來海水好像不乾淨,不能游泳。


htla; human t lymphocyte antigen - 人胸腺細胞抗原

coronary t wave - 冠狀T波

plateau t wave - 前拱形T波

recruited t lymphocyte - 募集T淋巴細胞

recruited t lymphocyte - 募集t淋巴細胞

n. double T steel - 雙T形鋼

helper t cell - 協助細胞

blast killer t cell - 原殺傷T細胞

t vector loop; vector ring - 向量環

cultured t cell - 培養T細胞

cultured t cell - 培養t細胞

amplifier t cell; amplifiertcell - 強化性T細胞

amplifier t cell; amplifiertcell - 擴大T細胞

suppressor t cell - 抑制T細胞

t suppressor factor - 抑制T細胞因子

suppressor t lymphocytes - 抑制性T淋巴細胞

t suppressor cell - 抑制性T細胞

anti-human t cells globulin - 抗人體T細胞球蛋白

anti-human t cells globulin - 抗人體t細胞球蛋白

killer t lymphocyte - 殺傷T淋巴細胞

t system; transverse tubule system - 橫管系統

active t rosettes - 活性T玫瑰花結

active t rosettes - 活性t玫瑰花結

cutaneous t cell lymphoma - 皮膚T細胞淋巴瘤

cutaneous t cell lymphoma - 皮膚t細胞淋巴瘤

t cell-replacing factor - 細胞替代因子

cytotoxic t lymphocyte - 細胞毒淋巴細胞

cytotoxic t cell - 細胞毒細胞

choledochostomy with t tube drainage - 膽總管造術合併T管引流術

sensitized t cell - 致敏T細胞

memory t cells - 記憶T細胞

initatior t lymphocyte - 起始T淋巴細胞

initatior t lymphocyte - 起始t淋巴細胞

t helper lymphocyer - 輔助性T細胞

delayed hypersensitivity initiator t cell - 遲鈍超敏反應T細胞


n.活性T玫瑰花結,活性t玫瑰花結 - active t rosettes

成年人T細胞性白血病 - adult T cell leukemia

n.擴大T細胞,強化性T細胞 - amplifier t cell

n.抗人體T細胞球蛋白,抗人體t細胞球蛋白 - anti-human t cells globulin

n.原殺傷T細胞 - blast killer t cell

n.氯阿唑丁,氯胺T;n.氯胺T;氯胺T,氯阿明T - chloramine t

n.膽總管造術合併T管引流術 - choledochostomy with t tube drainage

n.鉻黑T - chrome black t

冠狀T - coronary T

n.冠狀T波 - coronary t wave

n.節育器銅T - copper t

n.培養T細胞,培養t細胞 - cultured t cell

n.皮膚T細胞淋巴瘤,皮膚t細胞淋巴瘤 - cutaneous t cell lymphoma

n.細胞毒細胞;細胞毒性T細胞 - cytotoxic t cell

n.T淋巴細胞細胞毒,細胞毒淋巴細胞 - cytotoxic t lymphocyte

n.遲鈍超敏反應T細胞 - delayed hypersensitivity initiator t cell

n.對甲苯磺酰二氯胺,二氯胺t - dichloramine t

n.四環素 - double t

受教育T細胞,致敏T細胞 - educated T cell

效應T細胞 - effector T cell

n.鉻黑T,羊毛鉻黑T;羊毛鉻黑T商] - eriochrome black t

n.維生素T - factor t

n.協助細胞;輔助T細胞 - helper t cell

n.人胸腺細胞抗原 - human t lymphocyte antigen

n.起始T淋巴細胞,起始t淋巴細胞 - initatior t lymphocyte

幼年T,少年T - juvenile T

n.殺傷T淋巴細胞 - killer t lymphocyte

n.記憶T細胞 - memory t cells

n.前拱形T波 - plateau t wave

n.募集T淋巴細胞,募集t淋巴細胞 - recruited t lymphocyte

n.鹼性藏紅T - safranine t

n.致敏T細胞 - sensitized t cell

n.抑制T細胞;抑制T細胞,抑制性T細胞 - suppressor t cell

n.抑制性T淋巴細胞 - suppressor t lymphocytes

n.維生素T - vitamin t

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