veinsn. 靜脈(vein的複數);紋理v. 使有脈絡;使成脈絡狀(vein的三單形式)
veins 紋理;靜脈;抗鋸齒 葉脈;第四節 靜脈;epithermal veins 低溫熱液礦脈;淺成熟液礦脈;hepatic veins 肝靜脈;accretion veins 填加脈;adrenal veins 副腎靜脈;腎上腺靜脈;釋義:腎上腺靜脈;
1.The countryside is veined by new broad highways. 鄉村地區密佈四通八達的寬闊的新公路。
2.Leaf blade veins forming square tessellation. 葉片脈形成廣場棋盤花紋。
3.Leaf blade veins forming square tessellations. 葉片脈形成廣場棋盤花紋。
superior veins of cerebellar hemisphere - 小腦半球上靜脈
inferior veins of cerebellar hemisphere - 小腦半球下靜脈
veins of sclera; venae sclerales - 鞏膜靜脈
veins of medulla oblongata; venae medullaeoblongatae - 延髓靜脈
cavernous veins of penis; venae cavernosae penis - 海綿體靜脈
choroid veins of eye; venae choroideae oculi - 眼脈絡膜靜脈
central veins of liver; venae centrales hepatis - 肝中央靜脈
dorsal digital veins of foot; venae digitales dorsales pedis - 趾背靜脈
deep veins of penis; venae profundae penis - 陰莖深靜脈
superficial dorsal veins of penis; venae dorsales penis superficiales - 陰莖背淺靜脈
superficial dorsal veins of clitoris - 陰蒂背淺靜脈
n.腹皮下靜脈 - abdominal subcutaneous veins
n.伴靜脈 - accompanying veins
n.尿囊靜脈 - allantoic veins
n.肛門靜脈 - anal veins
n.耳前靜脈 - anterior auricular veins
n.心前靜脈 - anterior cardiac veins
n.大腦前靜脈 - anterior cerebral veins
n.結膜前靜脈 - anterior conjunctival veins
n.陰唇前靜脈 - anterior labial veins
n.陰囊前靜脈 - anterior scrotal veins
n.房水靜脈 - aqueous veins
n.弓形狀靜脈 - arcuate veins
腎弓狀靜脈 - arcuate veins of kidney
n.房水靜脈 - aschers veins
n.心房靜脈 - atrial veins
n.房室靜脈 - atrioventricular veins
n.椎體靜脈 - basivertebral veins
肱靜脈 - brachial veins
n.房室結支 - branch of atrioventricular veins
n.支氣管靜脈 - bronchial veins
n.心靜脈 - cardiac veins
n.海綿體靜脈 - cavernous veins of penis
n.中央靜脈 - central veins
n.肝中央靜脈 - central veins of liver
n.小腦靜脈 - cerebellar veins
n.大腦靜脈,腦靜脈 - cerebral veins
n.眼脈絡膜靜脈 - choroid veins of eye
n.睫狀靜脈 - ciliary veins
n.結膜靜脈 - conjunctival veins
n.陰莖深靜脈 - deep veins of penis
n.板障靜脈 - diploic veins
n.趾背靜脈 - dorsal digital veins of foot
n.舌背靜脈 - dorsal dingual veins
n.內嵌靜脈 - embedded veins
n.導靜脈,異靜脈 - emissary veins
n.鞏膜上外靜脈,鞏膜外靜脈 - episcleral veins
n.食管靜脈 - esophageal veins
n.篩靜脈 - ethmoidal veins
n.診指紋 - examining finger veins
n.鼻外靜脈 - external nasal veins
n.陰部外靜脈 - external pudendal veins
n.額靜脈 - frontal veins
n.膝靜脈 - genicular veins
n.筋癭 - goiter with visible varicose veins
n.肝靜脈 - hepatic veins
n.垂體門靜脈 - hypophysioportal veins
n.小腦下靜脈 - inferior cerebellar veins
n.大腦下靜脈 - inferior cerebral veins
n.臀下靜脈 - inferior gluteal veins
n.痔下靜脈 - inferior hemorrhoidal veins