





turnning[tə:n]vt. 使(車輪等)轉動;使旋轉,轉,部分轉動: 例句:Is it electricity that turns the wheel?是電使輪子轉動的嗎?She turned the key in the lock.她用鑰匙開鎖。(為打開、關上、變緊等)旋轉,擰: 例句:He turned the handle of the door and went into the classroom.他旋動門把手,走進教室。to turn a screw tight擰緊螺釘Please turn the handle to the open position.請把把手轉到「開」的位置。翻動;翻轉;滾翻: 例句:He turned the pages of the book to see whether there were illustrations in them.他翻動書頁,看看裡面是否有插圖。The nurse turned the patient.護士給病人翻了個身。The acrobat turned a somersault.雜技演員翻了個觔斗。改變,使變化,使變成: 例句:to turn cream into butter把鮮奶油變成黃油to turn a flower garden into a vegetable field把花園變成菜地She turned tears into laughter when she saw this.看到這個,她破涕為笑了。He turned a garage into a library.他把車庫改建成圖書館。使變得;使成為: 例句:The bad news turned his hair white.壞消息使他的頭髮變白了。使轉變思想(意圖、行為等);在感情(或態度等)方面改變;改變…的傾向(或注意中心);把注意力轉向: 例句:to turn someone from his purpose使某人改變意圖We should turn our thoughts to practical matters.我們應把思想轉向實際問題。使變酸(腐),使變質,使變壞;使變色: 例句:Warm weather turned the meat.天熱使肉變質了。The hot weather turned the milk.天氣太熱,牛奶變質了。翻譯;將…釋義(或意譯);改寫: 例句:The teacher asked us to turn the sentences into English.老師讓我們把這些句子譯成英文。Please turn this piece of prose into verse.請把這段散文改寫成詩歌。使變換;與…交換: 例句:I』ll turn these coins into paper money.我將把這些硬幣換成紙幣。反覆考慮;仔細考慮;默想,深思(常與 over 連用): 例句:He turned the question over in his mind but couldnot find an answer.他仔細思考這個問題但是找不到答案。達到;超過,越過,逾(一定年齡、數量等): 例句:Our dean hasn』t turned 40 yet.我們系主任還不到40歲。We were waiting for the clock to turn 8.我們等待時鐘指向八點。It has just turned 10 o』clock.剛過10點。阻擋;擊敗,擊退;驅散: 例句:to turn an attack擊退一次進攻The boxer turned a punch.拳擊手擋住了一拳。It is not reasonable to turn customers』 criticisms.抵制顧客的批評是沒有道理的。使反對,使作對;使反應;使回擊: 例句:He turned their arguments against them.他用他們的論據反駁他們自己。to turn a son against his father使兒子頂撞父親使產生反作用: 例句:The critic』s criticism was turned against himself.批評家的批評反被別人用來批評他。繞過去,轉過去;拐(彎),轉彎;迂迴到(某支軍隊的側面等): 例句:They turned the right flank of the enemy troop.他們迂迴到敵軍的右翼。to turn a street corner轉過街角賺到;掙得: 例句:Our company turned a profit last year.我們公司去年贏利了。用旋床旋,把…旋成圓形;車,為…車外圓: 例句:He has turned a set of chair legs.他已經車出了一副椅子腿。to turn wooden vessels用旋床車木碗使形成圓滿;使具有優美的形式;做得優美(或圓滿),弄得像樣: 例句:The girl turned a pretty phrase.女孩寫出了一個漂亮的短語。The professor told us how to turn a good sentence.教授給我們講如何寫出一個好句子。使精神錯亂,使發狂;弄昏,迷惑;使沖昏頭腦;使糊塗: 例句:Too much praise has turned his head.過多的表揚已經沖昏了他的頭腦。Her mind was turned by grief.悲傷使她精神失常。Success will not turn my head.勝利不會讓我頭腦發昏。作(某種)用途(或結果),使用,利用,應用: 例句:We should turn our knowledge to good account.我們應該利用我們的知識。to turn one』s hand to writing用手寫轉移(視線),改變(面對的)方向;使對著;把…對準;指向: 例句:Turn your eyes this way.沖這邊看。Turn it more to the left.把它再向左轉一點。The girl turned her face and wept.女孩別過頭哭了。to turn a gun on someone把槍對準某人使上下面顛倒;使上下翻轉;倒置: 例句:to turn a phonograph record翻轉唱片翻(地);翻做(衣服、衣領等): 例句:They turned the soil after the harvest.他們在收穫後翻耕土壤。to turn a collar翻修領子Mother turned an old garment.媽媽翻做一件舊衣服。上下移動(秤桿或秤台)以記錄重量使(錢、貨等)流通,周轉: 例句:The vendor can turn his stock every day.小販每天都能把進的貨賣完。使彎曲;對折;折或翻;使扭曲;扭傷(踝骨): 例句:The pipe had been turned in a U-shaped curve.管子已被彎成了U形。She turned her ankle.她扭傷了腳踝。to turn the sheet back把被單翻開弄卷(刀刃),把(刀口)弄鈍: 例句:a knife with a turned edge一把刃口鈍的刀倒(胃),使(腸胃)不適;使作嘔: 例句:The mere sight of food turned her stomach.她一見食物就噁心。傾倒: 例句:The policeman turned the contents of her handbag out onto the table.警察把她手提包裡的東西全倒在了桌上。(以某種方式)軀趕;攆;放開: 例句:to turn someone adrift逐出某人;使某人流浪;辭退某人to turn young cattle into woods把小牛趕到樹林裡The drunkard was turned from the bar.那個醉漢被從酒吧攆了出去。【印刷】倒排(鉛字);倒空【足球】迫使(貼近的對手)轉向以擺脫(吸毒者)將(毒品)轉賣給(另一癮君子)使敵對;使叛變;使成為雙重間諜(與 round 連用)[廢語]使墮落vi. (在樞軸上)旋轉,轉動: 例句:The earth turns on its own axis.地球繞地軸自轉。The wheels were turning swiftly.車輪飛快地轉動著。繞轉,作圓形旋轉: 例句:The key won』t turn.鑰匙開不了鎖。The key turns easily in the lock.這把鑰匙容易開鎖。翻動(書頁等);翻轉: 例句:Please turn to page 67.請翻到第67頁。Turn back to the previous page.翻回到前一頁。轉身,回轉: 例句:The child turned and dashed away.孩子轉身跑掉了。He crossed the street and turned to look at the school again.他穿過街道,又轉身看了看學校。改變方向,轉向,向後轉,轉彎: 例句:We turned into a quiet street.我們拐進一條寂靜的街道。The bus passed by the edge of the railway station and turned north.這輛公共汽車從火車站邊經過,然後向北拐。變得;變成,變為,成為: 例句:Maple leaves turn crimson in autumn.楓葉在秋天變紅。During the daytime, it will be overcast, turning clear later.今天白天,陰轉晴。He turned nasty at the thought.他一想起這就大為光火。Her husband had turned quarrelsome.她丈夫變得愛爭吵了。to turn bitter with age因年齡增長而變得牢騷滿腹改變;變化: 例句:The rain turned to sleet.這場雨變成了凍雨。Our luck will turn.我們會時來運轉。變質,變酸;變腐敗;變色: 例句:Leaves turn in autumn.樹葉在秋天變黃。The meat has turned.肉已變質了。依靠;依賴,取決於,依…而定(與 on 或 upon 連用): 例句:The success turns on our effort.勝利取決於我們的努力。The success of the sports meet turns on the weather.運動會能否成功要看天氣如何。圍繞…發展,以…為中心(與about,around, on 等連用): 例句:The film turns about a domestic tragedy.這部影片主要講述一個家庭悲劇。Our discussion turned mainly on the reform in education.我們的談話主要圍繞著教育改革。改變感情(或態度、忠誠、信仰等);變節;轉而反對: 例句:He turned against his former friends.他對老朋友翻臉。My husband is a Christian and I』m going to turn.我丈夫是基督徒,我也準備皈依基督教。轉移注意力(或能力、思想等);致力於;從事: 例句:He turned to the study and practice of medicine.他致力於醫學的研究和實踐。Our conversation turned to football later.我們的談話後來轉到了足球上。He turned from his work to a hobby.他不幹工作卻搞起了業餘愛好。(底和面)倒置,倒轉;(內和外)翻轉,顛倒開車床,在車床上操作:(在車床上)被旋成;被車成: 例句:Beech turns easily in the lathe.山毛櫸在車床上很容易車制。變得精神失常;發瘋;(精神)發生錯亂: 例句:His head never turns with success.他的頭腦從來不會因成功而發昏。The girl's head turned with a handful of compliments.幾句恭維話讓這個女孩飄飄然。搞突然襲擊,攻擊(與 on 或 upon 連用): 例句:The dog turned on him.狗突然撲向他。The cat suddenly turned on its trainer.這隻貓突然轉而進攻它的訓練者。產生相反作用,起反作用: 例句:His advantage turned against him.他的優勢後來成了他的不利條件。Her beauty turned against her.她的美貌反倒給她帶來了不利。(刀口)卷刃;(刀刃)變鈍: 例句:The edge of the knife has turned.刀口卷刃了。【航海學】(船等)調轉方向;搶風轉變航向反胃;(腸胃等)不適;想嘔吐;作嘔;(頭)眩暈,發昏: 例句:Her stomach turned at the sight of blood.她見血就反胃。My head turns.我頭暈。[美國英語](商品)容易銷售: 例句:Miniskirts turned well last month.上個月超短裙好銷。(商品)成交;轉手(潮水)開始漲(或落): 例句:The tide has turned.潮轉了。背離;偏離;脫離: 例句:He has turned from the Labour Party.他已脫離了工黨。商量;磋商;請教,求教(與 to 連用): 例句:She turned to her teacher for advice.她向老師求教。[廢語]猶豫,躊躇n. 轉動;旋轉;繞轉(一物捲繞著另一物的)一繞;(一)圈,(一)卷,(一)轉(把手等的)旋動;旋繞翻轉;轉動;轉身(路線或方向的)改變;反向,轉,倒轉;轉向;轉彎彎曲處,彎曲部分,曲折部轉折點;(按照年月順序的)轉化時期;變化點轉變;變化吃驚,震驚;驚嚇;意外(損害或有益於別人的)行為,舉動,舉止(一)回,(一)陣;(一段)工作時間(疾病的)侵襲,發作;一陣眩暈(或盛怒)(權利、義務或機會等的依次輪流的)名分,(順)次;一次機會[美國英語](工作的)班,輪班,輪值[主英國英語](作為演出一部分的)一個節目,(馬戲、雜耍中的)一段表演;表演者,演員[美國英語]【經濟學】一筆(證券)交易;(商品批售補進的)一個週期;(存貨等的)周轉【音樂】回音要求,迫切需要,需要【軍事】隊列方向轉換訓練自然傾向;天性;秉性;癖性;氣質才能;鑒別力,眼光;資質(語言等的)特色;措詞特徵;措詞傾向,動向,趨勢(對原作的)闡述,闡明,解釋;改動,變更;曲解(賭博的)一輪,輪次圓形;球形;曲線形模型,鑄模;機床(旋鈕或操縱桿的)槽口[複數]月經(尤指來回不走同路的)短途散步;乘車外出[古語]計策;計謀abbr. inventory turnover rate 存貨周轉率近義詞: gyrate , revolve , rotate , spin , whirl短語: About turn! 【軍事】[用作口令]向後轉!a hand』s turn 一臂之力,一舉之勞;一點體力勞動,一點工作at every turn 事事,處處;每次,經常,老是at the next turn of the wheel 在下次好運氣來的時候a turn of fortune』s wheel 命運的轉變a turn of phrase 措辭,表達方式be turned (of) 年逾,年在…以上by turns 輪流;輪班;交替地;時而…時而…call the turn[美國英語](成功地)預測,預測得很準定調子;發號施令;操縱,指揮,左右著do someone a bad (或 an ill) turn 做有損於某人的事,危害某人,使某人吃虧done to a turn 煮熟,燒得恰到好處do someone a good turn 做(一件)有利於某人的事,做好事,為某人效了一次勞Even a (或 the)worm will turn. 見 wormgive a new turn to 給…另一種說法,對…給予新的說法give someone a bad turn 使某人嚇了一跳give (someone) another turn of screw 對(某人)施加壓力give someone (quite) a turn [美國英語]把某人嚇了一跳,使某人大吃一驚go for a turn溜躂溜躂,散步(坐車等)兜一圈,玩一玩in one』s turn這一回(依次)輪到時in the turn of a hand 頃刻之間in turn反過來依次,挨個交替地,輪流地Left turn! 【軍事】[用作口令]向左轉!make a turn 轉變,轉make someone turn (over) in his grave 使某人在九泉之下也不得安寧not do a hand's turn 一點活兒都不幹,不費舉手之勞One good turn deserves another. [諺語]以德報德。on the turn正在轉變(或變化、好轉);就要轉變(牛奶正在)變酸out of turn不依順序地,不遵守輪次地不合時宜地;(尤指)輕率地,魯莽地[亦作 out of one』s turn]Right about turn! 【軍事】[用作口令]向後轉![亦作 About turn!]Right turn! 【軍事】[用作口令]向右轉!serve one』s (own) turn(一段時間內)合用,管用;(緊急時)能起作用;能應急滿足個人的需要,適合個人的要求(或目的)[亦作 serve the turn 或 serve a turn]serve someone the good turn (of) (在…方面)對某人有好處serve someone』s good 適合某人的需要;對某人有用short turns (音樂會等的)短小節目take a turn轉彎,轉(情況、形勢等)轉變(駕車、乘船、騎馬)兜一兜風,玩一玩溜躂溜躂,散步做一會兒(工作)take a turn for the better (情況等)好轉,變好take a turn for the worse (情況等)惡化,變壞take turns 依次,輪流(說、做等),輪班the turn of life 【醫學】(婦女)更年期,絕經期the turn of the tide 形勢(或輿論、運氣等)的轉變(一般指好轉)to a turn(指食物的煮、烤等)正好,恰好,恰到好處(常與動詞 do, cook, roast 連用)盡善盡美;精確地to the turn of a hair 恰好;不差毫釐;非常精確,惟妙惟肖turn again回到,返回回顧言歸於好,和好turn and rend 攻擊(朋友),突然責罵某人turn and turn about 依次,輪流地[亦作 turn about]turn in on (或 upon) oneself離群索居;與他人斷絕來往(國家)採取孤立主義turn it in[俚語]停止(做使人厭惡或生氣的事情),住嘴,別說了,別搞了[用於祈使句中]放棄(或辭去、停止工作),停止干;停止說(令人不愉快的話語、事情等)turn it up = turn it inturn loose釋放;鬆開,放掉[亦作 let loose]使不受拘束;放縱[亦作 let loose]開火;開(槍等);發射(子彈等)turn of events 事態發展的變化,形勢的變化turn of expressions 表達方式,措辭,口吻turn of mind 才能,傾向;氣質,性情turn of speech 說法,口吻turn one』s back on (或 upon)掉轉臉去不理睬(以表示輕蔑、憤怒等)對…置之不理;拒絕幫助;拋棄turn pale 見 paleturn someone adrift 見 adriftturn the (或 one』s) back (on 或 upon) 逃走;離開walk a turn 來回地走走


TURNNING KICK 轉身橫踢;轉身橫替;Turnning Techniques 轉筆法;turnning-back palm 背身掌;turnning plate liquid level gauge 翻板液位計;


1.He turned the handle of the door and went into the classroom. 他旋動門把手,走進教室。

2.Turnning our cell phones on symbolizes our connection with the world. 打開手機象徵著我們與這個世界的聯繫。

3.Turnning to her kittens, the cat said, "You see how important it is to know a second language"" 貓媽媽轉過身來對幾個小貓說,「孩子們,看看掌握一門外語是多麼的重要呀!」

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