MBTIabbr. 曼布二氏類型指標
MBTI 曼布二氏類型指標;Myers Briggs Type Indictor;MBTI-Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 邁爾斯—布裡格個性類型測量表;邁爾斯-布裡格個性類型測量表;邁爾斯-布裡格個性類型測量表;
1.Individual Preferences(The Enneagram correlated with the Jung and Myers-Briggs MBTI measures):Introvert, Quiet, Self-contained, Thinking. 性格傾向:內向、被動、自我、愛思考。
2.According to the MBTI, introverts get their energy from the internal world of ideas and images, and they feel drained if they spend too much time with people. 根據MBTI性格測試的理論,內向的人從內心的想像和思想獲得活力,如果讓他們花太多時間和他人相處的話,他們會因此感到筋疲力竭。
3.I have scoured the MBTI literature for even a single research article that, armed with the Type Indicators of the participants, predicts the behavior of a group. 我翻閱了MBTI文獻,甚至是一份單獨研究的文章,攜帶著參與者的類型測試指標,可用以預測一個團隊的行為。