





n. school day ,schoolhouse ,schooling ,shoalv. civilise ,cultivate ,educate ,train


school[sku:l]n. 學校;學院;學派;魚群vt. 教育


school 學校;學院;小學;學派;school year 學年;學年:;school day 教學日;日在校園;學校上課日;上課日,授課日;at school 在學校;在上課;在上學;在學校上課;in school 在學校;在求學;在學校裡;求學;

school的參考例句 be well schooled in foreign languages 在外語方面受過良好教育

2.I sometimes go to school by bus. 我有時候乘公共汽車去上學。

3.This is me at school in December. 這就是十二月在學校中的我。


Tell me the courses you have completed in school and what is your favorite subject? - 你曾修讀哪些課程和你最喜歡哪一科?

I'm in the school choir. - 我是校合唱隊的成員。

I hope to be able to join the school band. - 我想加入學校的樂隊。

I work on the school magazine. - 我在校雜誌社工作。

Didn't we go to school together? - 我們以前在一起上過學嗎?

At the Bronx High School of Science. - 在Bronx區的理科中學讀書。

at my junior high school graduation. - 在我初中畢業的時候。

He graduated from medical school in 1960 - 他在一九六零年從醫學院畢業,

Philip, I took Michelle to a school play - Philip,我帶Michelle看過學校演出的

Your grandfather went to the Engineering School there. - 你爺爺進那個工學院。

You couldn't pick a finer medical school than Michigan. - 你再也找不到一所比Michigan大學更好的醫學院了?

in the school and loving every minute of it. - 在學校 ,且樂此不疲, 時時如此。

you've been writing for the school paper. - 你為校刊寫文章。

Michigan has a fine School of Journalism. Michigan - 大學有一個很好的新聞學院。

You do a pretty good job on the Riverdale High School paper. - 你在Riverdale高中校刊做得有聲有色。

First, they have an excellent School of Journalism. - 首先 ,那兒有個很優秀的新聞研究所。

He's running for the school board. - 他正在競選聯合校董會董事。

What's wrong with wanting to be on the school board? - 想進入聯合校董會有什麼錯?

But he wants to cut the school budget! - 但他想削減學校的預算!

on the school board, - 在聯合校董會中

running for the school board. - 競選聯合校董會董事。

I'm planning to run for the school board. - 我打算競選聯合校董會董事。

my mother is running for the school board? - 我母親競選聯合校董會董事嗎?

I care about the school buildings in need of paint. - 我關心學校的建築物需要粉刷。

and I'm running for the open seat on the school board. - 我正在競選聯合校董會的席次。

for the one seat on the Riverdale School Board, - 爭奪Riverdale聯合校董會一個席次

with the school board, - 和聯合校董會一起,

It can go beyond the school system, Ellen. - 這可以推廣到學校體制以外, Ellen。

I don't want to interrupt her school year. - 我不願意打斷她這個學年。

the school poster for the play this year. - 今年學校話劇的海報。

We'll move after the school term. - 我們等這學期結束後再搬。

when she was running for the school board. - 在媽媽競選聯合校董會席次時。

You're home from school early. - 你今天從學校回來得早。

The annual school sports meet is held in March. - 每年一次校運會在三月份舉行。

Attending school is compulsory in this country. - 這國家衽的是義務教育。

Don't waste your school years, son, they can determine your future. - 孩子,別荒廢你的學業,它們對你的未來有決定作用。

My little boy is having a school play tonight, I don't want to miss it. - 我的小兒子今晚會參加學校的戲劇表演,我不想錯過了。

What school did you go to? - 你上哪所學校?

The school was attended almost entirely by local children. - 上這所學校唸書的幾乎全是當地的孩子。

What did you learn at school today? - 你今天在學校學了什麼?

They graduated from high school last year. - 他們去年高中畢業。

When you go to a new school it takes a while to know the ropes. - 到一所學校讀書要花一段時間熟悉情況。

The school has a good reputation. - 這所學校名譽很好。

They talk about things like family, work, school or sports. - 他們常常談論家庭,工作,學校或運動。

Where do you work?, What school do you go to? - 「你在哪工作?」,「你在哪兒上學?」。

Missing school to watch the football match is out of the question. - 為看足球賽而曠課,那可不行。

That's why he is now concentrating on conversation at a language school near his home. - 這就是他在他家附近的一所語言學校專攻口語的原因。

What school did you go to? - 你在哪裡上學?

I'm tired of going to school day after day. - 我厭倦每天上學。

I started school at the age of 6. - 我六歲開始上學。


the school of nourishing the essence - 養陰派

school clinic - 學校醫務室

school health - 學校衛生

school hygiene - 學校衛生學

school phobia - 學校恐怖症

school myopia - 學校近視

school microscope; teaching microscope - 教學顯微鏡

the school of contemporary prescriptions - 時方派

school physician - 校醫

school for laboratory technicans - 檢驗員學校

Each school has its own special manipulation - 每一流派各有自己的獨特手法

school in favor of classical prescriptions - 經方派

school for deaf-mutes - 聾啞學校

the school of invigorating the earth; the school of invigorating the spleen earth - 補土派


軍隊醫學3法,AMS3法 - army medical school 3 method

n.每一流派各有自己的獨特手法 - Each school has its own special manipulation

n.弗洛伊德學派 - freudan school

n.衛生學校 - health school

n.海德保學派 - heidelberg school

n.醫士學校 - medical assistants school

醫學院 - medical school

n.助產學校 - midwifery school

國立養護學校 - Natl. School for Handicapped Children

n.新弗洛伊德氏學派 - neofreudian school

學校兒童裸眼視力分佈表 - no. of school children by naked eye acuity

n.滋陰派 - nouishing yin school

n.滋陰派 - nourishing yin school

護士培訓學校 - nurses' training school

n.巴甫洛夫學派 - pavlovian school

n.現象學學派 - phenomenological school

n.精神分析學派 - psychoanalytic school

n.精神生物學派 - psychobiologic school

n.精神形態學派 - psychomorphological school

n.攻下派 - purgationist school

n.攻下派 - purpationiist school

n.技術學校 - technical school

n.寒涼派 - the cold and ool medical school

n.時方派 - the school of contemporary prescriptions

n.補土派 - the school of invigorating the earth

n.補土派 - the school of invigorating the spleen earth

n.養陰派 - the school of nourishing the essence

n.傷寒學派 - the zhang zhong-jing school

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