





Accumulated 累計的;達到;累計;累加的;Accumulated depreciation 累計折舊;累積折舊;折舊準備;累計折舊:;accumulated earnings 積累收益;累計收益;累積盈餘;累計盈餘,累計收益;accumulated dose 累積劑量,總劑量;累積劑量, 總劑量;釋義:累積劑量,總劑量;總劑量,累積劑量;accumulated damage 累積損傷;


1.There is a correlation between accumulated water production rate and accumulated oil production rate, which is a linear relation on semilog coordinate. 注水開發油田累計產水量和累計產油量存在一定的相關性,在半對數坐標上呈近似直線關係。

2.Accumulated Depletion is a contra-asset account similar to the Accumulated Depreciation account. 累計損耗是一個資產對沖賬戶,與累計折舊類似。

3.Property and equipment are stated at cost or valuation less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses. 物業及設備乃按成本值或估值減累計折舊及累計減值虧損列帳。

4.There is a correlation between accumulated water production rate and accumulated oil production rate, which is a linear relation on semilog coordinate. 注水開發油田累計產水量和累計產油量存在一定的相關性,在半對數坐標上呈近似直線關係。

5.The findings shows that nutritional growth of rice is mainly affected by effective accumulated temperatures, an accumulated temperature of 15~25℃ and sunshine time. 結果表明,水稻營養生長主要受有效積溫、15~25℃積溫和日照時數的影響。


Then knowledge began to be accumulated according to a systematic plan. - 於是,知識便開始有系統有計劃地積累起來。

but of accumulated knowledge applied to practical life. - 而是積累起來的知識應用到實際生活中的結果。

This shows how long it was before we deemed it necessary to make sure that all our children could share in the knowledge accumulated by the'happy few' during the past centuries. - 這說明,經過了多麼漫長的時間之後,我們才認識到,有必要確保我們的孩子享有多少個世紀以來由『少數幸運者』所積累起來的知識。


accumulated dose; accumulateddose - 總劑量

excrete accumulated water - 攻逐水飲

n. maximum permissible accumulated dose - 最大允許累計劑量

n. maximum permissible accumulated dose - 最大容許累積劑量

purging the heat accumulated in the lung; purging the lung of pathogenic heat and fire; purging the lung og pathogenic fire - 瀉肺

the accumulated damp-heat can not be dissolved - 濕熱蘊結不解

damp accumulated and heat retained - 濕鬱熱伏

Evil heat is accumulated in the bladder; accumulation of heat in the urinary bladder; evil heat accumulated in the bladder - 熱結膀胱

accumulated evil heat - 瘀熱

accumulated dose; accumulateddose; cumulative dose - 積累劑量

accumulated fatigue - 蓄積疲勞

pathogenic heat accumulated in the blood system - 血分瘀熱


n.濕鬱熱伏 - damp accumulated and heat retained

n.熱結膀胱 - evil heat accumulated in the bladder

n.熱結膀胱 - Evil heat is accumulated in the bladder

n.攻逐水飲 - excrete accumulated water

n.平均累積劑量 - mean accumulated

n.血分瘀熱 - pathogenic heat accumulated in the blood system

n.瀉肺 - purging the heat accumulated in the lung

n.濕熱蘊結不解 - the accumulated damp-heat can not be dissolved

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