





n. essential ,necessity ,requirement ,requisite


n. inessential ,nonessentiala. unnecessary ,unneeded


necessary['nesisəri]adj. 必要的;必需的;必然的n. 必需品


necessary 必要的;必需的;必需品;必須的;necessary condition 必要條件;必要條件;必然條件;必須條件;Necessary Consume 消費者常用品;than necessary 比應該的要冷;比應該的要……;比應該的更要……;太……;necessary cause 必要病因;必要原因說;必需病因;必然因由;


1.It is necessary that he (should) come to our meeting tomorrow. 有必要的是,他明天就來參加我們的會議。

2.They know that it is also necessary to read, and they do read. 他們知道閱讀也是必要的,而且他們也確實這樣做了。

3.No sacrifice is necessary except your desire to be one with God. 沒有什麼犧牲是必要的,除非你的慾望與上帝同一。


How much notice of cancellation is necessary to get my deposit back? - 想把定金拿回來,要提前多長時間通知你才行?

It's not necessary to whisper, Harry. - 沒有必要壓低聲音說話, Harry。

Chairman Mao said it is necessary to drill as much as possible. - 毛主席說,反覆操練是非常必要的。

Food is necessary to maintain life. - 食物是維持生命所必須的。

Companies are careful not to hire applicants Who have more education and higher goals than necessary for the job. - 公司不會僱傭受教育和目標超過工作所需的應聘者。

He lacks the necessary experience. - 他缺乏必要的經驗。

Food is necessary to maintain life. - 食物是維持生命所必需的。

It is so necessary for you to have some rest and relaxation. - 你特別需要休息和娛樂。

Prompt delivery would be necessary as we have a fast turnover in this trade. We would therefore need your assurance that you could meet all delivery dates. - 即期交貨很重要,因為這種貨流轉很快。所以我們需要你方保證及時交貨。

We are always willing to cooperate with you and if necessary make some concessions. - 我們總是願意合作的,如果需要還可以做些讓步。

Don't you think it necessary to have a close study of the contract to avoid anything missing? - 你不覺得應該仔細檢查一下合同,以免遺漏什麼嗎?

A strong grip was necessary to hold onto the large dog. - 若要牽住大狗,必須用力握住皮帶。

Make yourself necessary to someone. - 使你有益於人。

Nothing so necessary for travellers as languages. - 旅行者最需要的是幾種語言。

A robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs. - 當宇航員進行必要的修復工作時,「奮進」號上的一隻機器手將抓住望遠鏡並托住它。

At this, the police pointed out ironically that this would hardly be necessary as the men were already under arrest. - 警察聽後譏諷地說,這大可不必,因為他倆已被逮捕了。

Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs in civilized society. - 準時是文明社會中進行一切社交活動時必須養成的習慣。

and if he found it necessary to shoot a sheriff or rob a bank along the way, - 如果他認為在進行過程中有必要槍擊一個司法官或搶劫一個銀行,

for one of the necessary conditions of preservation is quick burial, - 因為保存的必要條件之一是迅速掩埋,

This shows how long it was before we deemed it necessary to make sure that all our children could share in the knowledge accumulated by the'happy few' during the past centuries. - 這說明,經過了多麼漫長的時間之後,我們才認識到,有必要確保我們的孩子享有多少個世紀以來由『少數幸運者』所積累起來的知識。

the necessary method of study is to group the relevant material and to take note of all possible variant forms and conditions. - 應採取的研究方法是,把有關各方面的材料彙集起來,同時注意任何可能出現的異常情況和條件。

It was necessary first to arrive at that degree of sophistication where we no longer set our own belief against ourneighbour's superstition. - 不用自己的信仰去反對我們鄰居的迷信。

It was necessary to recognize that these institutions which are based on the same premises, - 必須認識到,這些建立在相同前提基礎上的風俗,

We are always willing to cooperate with you and if necessary make some concessions. - 我們總是願意合作的,如果需要還可以做些讓步。

Don't you think it necessary to have a close study of the contract to avoid anything missing? - 你不覺得應該仔細檢查一下合同,以免遺漏什麼嗎?

Yes. I don't think it's necessary to buy the bigger one. - 有哇。我認為沒必要買較大的機子。

Yes, and we must stop people walking on this floor until it's firm. It may be necessary to put up a notice saying Keep off. Another thing, we' ll have to drill a hole in the wall for the electric wires. - 是的,因此在地板牢固前,我們必須防止人們從地板上行走。可能還需要豎一個佈告牌,寫上「不得踐踏」。還有,我們必須在牆上鑽一個電線孔。

When you return to the office the following morning or after the holiday, you can listen to the messages and take any necessary action. - 當你第二天早晨或體假後回到辦公室,你可以聽那些留言,然後採取必要的行動。


n. necessary electric power - 必需電功率

n. necessary electric power - 所需電量


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