





n. demand ,indigence ,motivation ,wantv. demand ,involve ,require ,want


v. eliminate ,obviate ,rid of


need[ni:d]n. 需要,要求;缺乏;必要之物vt. 需要vi. 需要


need 需求;需要;互相需要;附加條件;customer need 顧客需要;Achievement Need 成就需求;成就需要;進取需要;釋義:成就需要;psychological need 心理上的需要;心理需要;心理需求;釋義:心理需要;individual need 個體需要;個人需要;個人需求;


1.He relieved us when we needed. 在我們最困難的時候,他救濟了我們一家。

2.A notebook is all that I need. 一個筆記本就是我所需要的。

3.Do you think I really need it? 你認為我的確需要做體檢嗎?


I need to make an appointment with you tonight. - 我想今晚約你。

I need to confirm my reservation. - 我要確認我的預定。

I need to cancel that. We have had a last minute change of plans. - 我要取消預約,我們臨時改變計劃了。

I need your help badly. My car can't start. Can you send somebody over? - 我急需你們的幫助。我的車啟動不了,能派人來修嗎?

I'm in great need of your assistance. - 我特別需要您的幫助。

No. I need to stop by the shop. - 不,我要先到商店停一下。

I'll need a taxi to the train station. Could you find one for me? - 我想到火車站。能為我叫輛出租車嗎?

Take it easy, sir. I'll need your name, in full, and what's happened. - 別著急,給我你的全名和事情的情況。

I need the bank to finance something. - 我需要銀行提供某件東西的貸款。

Are you carrying any items that need to be declared? - 你沒有攜帶需要申報的東西嗎?

And I'll need to see your passport. - 另外,我需要看一下您的護照。

I'd like to rent a car, please. I need it for business. - 我想租一輛汽車,是為了業務上的需要。

Yes. Those are excellent gifts. Who else do you need to buy for? - 當然,這是都是最佳禮物。你還需要買給誰?

Do you need anything particularly? - 是不是買一些別的東西?

I'll need a few minutes to check over my notes again. - 我再需要幾分鐘來核對一下我的筆記。

I need to post a letter. - 我得去寄封信。

You don't need to do that. - 你不用那麼做的。

To catch fish, you need the right magic. - 要釣得到魚 你得用對魔法。

I can believe that. One good thing about ping pong is that it doesn't need much space. - 我幾乎不敢相信。乒乓球最大的好處是不佔地方。

We will also need a letter of recommendation. - 我們還要求一封推薦函。

I need multimedia capability for my system. - 我的計算機系統需要多媒體功能。

I need a CD-ROM recorder. - 我想要一個光盤刻錄機。

I'm stressed out. I need a vacation. - 我筋疲力盡了,我要休假!

We need to do lots of laundry. Do we have enough detergent? - 咱們得洗好多衣服呢。有足夠多的洗滌劑嗎?

I need a new toothbrush. My old one's worn out. - 我需要一支新牙刷。舊的用壞了。

I need a new supply of razors and shaving cream. - 我需要新的剃鬚刀和剃鬚膏。

Do I need a visa to go to HongKong? - 去香港需要簽證嗎?

You really need to eat more; you're too skinny. - 你太瘦了,真得多吃點。

You really need to shed some fat. - 你真得減減肥了。

I need to be in the top percentage of my class to study abroad. - 為出國留學,我的成績必須在班裡名列前茅。

I need to take a break from studying. Let's get drunk. - 我不學習了,得休息一會兒。咱們一醉方休吧。

You need to complete some forms before the class. - 上課之前你得填一些表格。

I need some good photos for my advertising, Mr. Stewart. - 我做廣告需要一些好照片, Stewart先生。

Richard, how much broccoli do I need for seven people? Richard - 七個人吃需要多少花椰菜

you need to work at it, Grandpa. - 你得常練它, 爺爺。

but they need me at the hospital today, - 但今天醫院有事,

first we need to know some references. - 首先我們得知道你們有哪些備詢人。

We need to talk to some people about you. - 我們得向一些人打聽你。

We need to know about your history with animals. - 我們要瞭解你以前與動物的關連。

Molly, I need your special talent for handling special matters. - Molly,我需要你處理特殊狀況的特殊才能。

I need to fit a fourth operation into his schedule. - 我得在他的工作表上再加第四個手術。

You need some rest to help you get better quickly. - 需要多休息, 好讓你很快恢復。

I'll be OK. I just need time to think. - 我會適應的, 我只是需要時間思考。

we need to have our own place to live. - 我們應該有自己的房子。

Richard feels we need to find a small house. Richard - 覺得我們需要一個小住宅。

There's no need to rush. - 沒有必要急急忙忙。

Oh, so you don't need something immediately? - 呵, 所以你們 ,不是急著馬上就要?

And if you ever need Dad or me to help you ... - 如果你們的確需要我和爸爸的幫助的話 ……

You don't need to do that, Grandpa. - 你不用這樣,爺爺。

I need to get out more. - 我需要多出門去。


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