be on fire catch fire fire take fire 著火;be on fire catch fire fire take fire 著火;be on fire catch fire fire take fire 著火;fire-crash truck fire engine fire fighting vehicle fire truck 消防車;be on fire catch fire fire take fire 著火;
1.Composed of remote/local fire alarm controllers and fire detector, or the automatic fire alarm system composed of fire alarm controllers, regional display and fire detectors. 由集中火災報警控制器、區域火災報警控制器和火災探測器等組成,或由火災報警控制器、區域顯示器和火災探測器等組成,功能較複雜的火災自動報警系統。
2.Fire Escape Mask Once fire takes place, people on the site can wear the fire escape mask, which is a fire-resistant and heat-resistant helmet, to protect themselves, so they can leave the fire safely. 火災逃生面具火災逃生面具是一旦發生火災,在場人員能迅速戴上阻燃、隔熱的頭罩,能保護生者不受傷害,安全離開火場。
3.The main material it sells includes: fire hydraulic giant, fire hose, indoor and outdoor fire hydrant, fire box 1211 and 302 fire extinguisher, etc. 主營:消防水槍、接 扣、消防水帶、室內外消火栓、水泵結合器、消防箱、1211、302冷火滅火器、干粉、二氧化碳及輕水手提式滅火器,各系列推車式消防器材。
4.Case of fire, dial "119" call to the fire brigade the fire alarm, we must make clear the f 手輪 following: First, a fire unit or the full address of the individual; II fire objects; 發生火災時,撥打「119」火警電話向消防隊報警,必須講清以下內容:一、發生火災單位或個人的詳細地址;
5.The main material it sells includes: fire hydraulic giant, fire hose, indoor and outdoor fire hydrant, fire box 1211 and 302 fire extinguisher, etc. 主營:消防水槍、接 扣、消防水帶、室內外消火栓、水泵結合器、消防箱、1211、302冷火滅火器、干粉、二氧化碳及輕水手提式滅火器,各系列推車式消防器材。
There is an emergency. Please send a fire engine. - 這有火災,請盡快派消防車來。
Let's build a fire and cook it! - 咱們去升火煮魚。
We had a summer house on Fire Island. - 我們在火島有一所避暑別墅。
I can't build a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together. - 我總不能靠著磨擦兩片木柴來取火吧。
Then we'll be able to make our fire there where it's safe. - 然後我們就可以在那兒找一個安全的地方生火了。
Forest fire caused by lava - 熔岩引起的森林大火
A forest fire has consumed all the trees here. - 一場森林大火將此地的樹木焚燒殆盡了。
When the fire started, I was writing letters. - 當火起來的時候,我在寫信。
A match will set fire to a large building. - 星星之火,可以燎原。
Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us. - 適量的火好取暖,熊熊烈火能焚身。
He who plays with fire gets burned. - 玩火者必自焚。
Pouring oil on the fire is no way to quench it. - 加油不是滅火法。
Silks and satins put out the fire in the kitchen. - 綢緞要熄滅廚房的火。
Soft fire makes sweet malt. - 慢工出細活。
The fire is the test of gold; adversity of strong man. - 烈火試真金,困苦練壯士。
The fire is the test of gold;adversity of strong man. - 烈火試真金,困苦煉壯士。
There is no fire without smoke. - 無火沒有煙。
Zeal without knowledge is fire without light. - 有熱情而無知識,猶如有火焰而無光芒。
The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. - 於是他們撲滅了篝火,鑽進了帳篷。
At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. - 消防隊員們終於撲滅了加利福尼亞的一場森林大火。
Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began. - 從那時起,他們一直試圖找出起火的原因。
When the fire had at last been put out, the forest authorities ordered several tons of a special type of grass-seed which would grow quickly. - 在大火最後被撲滅後,森林管理當局訂購了好幾噸一種生長迅速的特殊類型的草籽。
'A fire extinguisher, my dear,' answered the Ambassador drily. - 「滅火器弄的,親愛的,」大使冷冷地回答,
'University students set the Embassy on fire this morning.' - 「今天上午大學生們放火點著了大使館。」
'The fire broke out in the basement.I went down immediately,of course, - 「地下室突然著火,我當然馬上下去了。
and that fool, Horst, aimed a fire extinguisher at me. - 但那個傻瓜霍斯特把滅火器對準了我。
The fire brigade was called and two fire fighter freed George using a special type of grease. - 有人打電話叫來消防隊,兩位消防隊員使用了一種特殊的潤滑劑才使喬治得以解脫。
As the cry was repeated several times, she ran to tell the manager who promptly rang up the fire brigade. - 由於這種喊叫聲重複了幾次,她跑去報告經理,經理當即給消防隊掛了電話。
The cry had certainly come form one of the chimneys, but as there were so many of them, the fire fighters could not be certain which one it was. - 喊叫聲肯定是從煙囪裡傳出來的,然而,因為煙囪太多,消防隊員無法確定到底是哪一個。
but the fire fighters were eventually able to free him by cutting a huge hole in the wall. - 消防隊員在牆上挖了個大洞,才終於把他解救出來。
Inviting the fire brigade to put out a nonexistent fire is a crude form of deception which no self-respecting student would ever indulge in. - 請消防隊來撲滅一場根本沒有的大火是一種低級騙局,有自尊心的大學生決不會去做。
There is a fire burning in the fireplace, and the Christmas tree lights are shining brightly. - 火在壁爐裡熊熊燃燒,聖誕樹的綵燈在交相交爍。
Then wait until the fire is out. - 然後,等火熄滅。
I said that together we could light a fire that could be seen for many miles. - 我說,我們一起點燃一堆火,讓幾英里遠都能看見。
What Caused The Fire ? - 是什麼引發了火災?
The fire service began to wonder whether a gas might have caused the fire. - 消防部門開始懷疑有一種氣體可能會導致火災。
We can make a fire and warm ourselves, I suggested. - 「我們可以生火取暖,」我說道。
Light the fire not so near the entrance that the wind will blow the fire out, and not so far in that the smoke will fill the cave, said my brother. - 「不要太靠近洞口點火,風會把火吹滅的;也不要太靠裡面,那樣煙會充滿山洞的,」我弟弟說,
And don't set the hillside on fire either! - 「也不要把山坡弄著火了。」
I always carry matches with me at such times and I tore out the pages of the first chapter of the book I was reading to get the fire going. - 在這樣的時候我身上總是帶著火柴的,為了讓火堆燃下去,我從我正在看的那本書的第一章撕下幾頁。
I took a burning branch from the fire and went to examine the rock. - 我從火堆中拿起一根燃著的樹枝,走過去檢查那個岩石。
The smoke from the fire rose and found its way outside and the light danced over the roof of the cave. - 縷縷青煙從火中升起,飄出洞外,火光在洞頂上閃耀。
n. propane fire mode - 丙烷火焰型
n. fire mold sand - 加熱型砂
causes fire syndrome; fire transmission; firetransmission - 化火
fire from the gate of life - 命火
fire from the gate of life; fire of the vital gate - 命門之火
decline of the fire form the gate of life; decline of the fire from the gate of life - 命門火衰
sthenic fire; sthenic fire or vigorous fire - 壯火
vigorous fire or sthenic fire consumes qi - 壯火食氣
fire of exces type; fire of excess type; sthenic fire - 實火
fire wrapped by cold - 寒包火
fire wrapped by cold - 寒包火熱
n. fire retardant paint for building - 建築用耐火漆
conducting the fire back to its origin; conducting the fireback to its origin - 引火歸原
exxcessive heart-fire flaming up; flare-up of the fire of the heart; flaring-up of the heart-fire - 心火上炎
exuberant fire due to hyperactivety of the heat; flaring heart-fire; glaring heart-fire - 心火亢盛
fire gases - 易燃氣體
purging the liver of pathogenic fire; removing fire from the liver - 瀉肝火
alcohol fire cupping - 滴酒法
fire; fire of the vital gate - 火
fire fails to generate earth - 火不生土
fire subjugates metal - 火乘金
fire region - 火廓
Fire is flaming upwards in nature - 火性炎上
n. fire sensor - 火敏感器
fire toxin; firetoxin - 火毒
n. fire risk rating - 火災率
fire invasion; flame - 火焰
n. fire damp - 火焰減弱
The fire generates the earth; fire generates earth - 火生土
exessive fire impairs metal - 火盛刑金
n. fire refining - 火精煉
fire evil; pathogenic fire - 火邪
fire stagnancy - 火郁
n. fire gate - 火門
n. fire gate - 火閘板
n. fire grate - 爐籬
n. fire color control - 焰色控制
Phlegmatic fire disturbs the heart; heart disturbed by phlegm-fire; mental disturbance due to phlegmfire - 痰火擾心
fire point; ignition point; ignitionpoint - 著火點
n. fire scale - 耐火氧化皮
n. fire retardant paint - 耐火漆
adverse flow of qi and fire in the liver channel - 肝經氣火上逆
fire of deficiency type - 虛火
flaring-up of fire of deficiency type - 虛火上炎
harassment of deficient fire inside - 虛火內擾
sore-throat due to fire of deficiency type - 虛火咽痺
dyspnea due to fire of deficiency type - 虛火喘急
toothache caused by fire of deficiency type - 虛火牙痛
cotton fire cupping - 貼棉法
fire evil; pathogenic fire - 邪火
n.相火妄動 - abnormal activities of the premier fire
n.陽明火邪特經上逆 - abnormal fire rising along the yangming meridian
n.後天之火 - acpuired fire
n.後天之火 - acquired fire
n.肝經氣火上逆 - adverse flow of qi and fire in the liver channel
n.滴酒法 - alcohol fire cupping
n.文火 - aoft fire
n.蒸灼神水 - aqueous humor impaired by pathogenic fire
n.灰火,餘燼 - ash fire
n.化火 - causes fire syndrome
n.火傷風 - common cold due to pathogenic fire
n.引火歸原 - conducting the fire back to its origin
n.貼棉法 - cotton fire cupping
n.火咳 - cough caused by pathogenic fire
n.交叉放射;vi.交叉放射 - cross fire
n.火聾 - deafness due to pathogenic fire
燒死 - death by fire
n.命門火衰 - decline of the fire form the gate of life
n.命門火衰 - decline of the fire from the gate of life
n.七情郁而化火 - depression of the senve emotions generates fire
n.射擊方向 - direction of fire
n.水火不濟 - discordance between the water and the fire
n.水火不濟 - discordance between water and fire
n.射擊距離 - distance of fire
n.燥火 - dryness fire
n.火喘 - dyspnea caused by pathogenic fire
n.虛火喘急 - dyspnea due to fire of deficiency type
n.水虧火旺 - excess of fire
爆炸與火災危險,爆炸與火災 - explosion and fire hazard
n.火盛刑金 - exessive fire impairs metal
n.心火亢盛 - exuberant fire due to hyperactivety of the heat
n.腎火偏亢 - flaming of the kidney fire
n.心火上炎 - flare-up of the fire of the heart
n.虛火上炎 - flaring-up of fire of deficiency type
n.腎火蒸騰 - flaring up of the kidney fire
n.虛火內擾 - harassment of deficient fire inside
n.火熱頭痛,火頭痛 - headache due to pathogenic fire
n.心火 - heart fire
n.火旺 - hyperactivity of fire
n.陰虛火旺 - hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency
n.相火妄動 - hyperactivity of the ministerial fire
n.水虧火旺 - insufficiency of water leading to excess of fire
n.該證為心火元盛 - It is the syndrome of exuberant heart fire
n.少火 - junior fire
n.少火 - junior fire--physiological fire
n.相火 - ministerial fire
n.君火 - monarch fire
n.滋陰降火 - nourishing yin to reduce pathogenic fire
n.火邪,邪火 - pathogenic fire
n.痰火 - phlegm fire