tsugarun. 津輕海峽(位於日本)
Tsugaru 津輕三味;津輕;海峽序曲;津輕海峽;Tsugaru han 津輕藩;Tamenobu Tsugaru 津輕為信;tsugaru shamisen 津輕三味線;Tsugaru ondo 津輕音頭;
1.The view from Cape Tappi is magnificent and picturesque, and on a very clear day, Hokkaido can be seen far across the Tsugaru Strait. 天氣晴朗的時候,在這裡可以遠眺北海道,欣賞壯美的海景。
2.A city of southwest Hokkaido, Japan, on Tsugaru Strait. Its excellent harbor was first opened to foreign traders in 85
4. Population, 39, 90. 日本北海道西南部一城市,位於津輕海峽邊。854年,這個城市優良的海港第一次對外國商人開放。人口39,900。
3.the People's Liberation Army Navy ships to the Sea of Japan and the Tsugaru Strait to carry out operations to detect, has a very unusual meaning. 解放軍海軍艦船到日本海以及津輕海峽進行偵測作業,有著極為不同尋常的含義。