





n. degree ,detail ,peak ,point in timev. direct ,indicate ,level ,orient


n. unpointedness


point[pɔint]n. 要點;得分;標點;尖端vt. 指向;弄尖;加標點於vi. 表明;指向


Point 關節;針尖;點;匯合點;beside point 離題的,不相干的;不相干的;離題;離題的, 不相干的;end point 端點;終點;滴定終點;末端點;point to 指向;指著;指向,指出;意味著;UU Point 優優知識庫;


1.To divide by 100 is done by only pointing off two figures for decimals. 除以100只要在最後兩位數前打個小數點。

2.This point is no leeway for dispute. 這一點是沒有爭論的餘地的。

3.Point Bamboo Into Gold, Crack Resources Bottleneck! 點「竹」成金-破解中國資源「瓶頸」


A dollar is valued at eight point two RMB yuan. - 一美元價值8.2元人民幣。

Thanks. Could you point me in the right direction? - 謝謝。您能告訴我要往哪裡走嗎?

But there are one point which I'd like to bring up about the packing. - 不過還有一點我得提出來,關於包裝問題。

Now, let me explain one point to you. - 現在,讓我就這一點進行說明。

OK. Considering this point and the large quantity you ordered, - 好吧。考慮到這個原因以及你們訂貨數量大,

Can you point me to the video cameras? - 你能給告訴我賣攝像機的在哪兒嗎?

Now point to the buildings. - 現在請指著那些建築物。

at this point in our lives? - 在這個時候怎麼樣?

You get one point for each letter, - 一個字母可得一分。

Yes, you have a point there. - 對,你說的這一點有道理。

If you could just see it from our point of view, I'm sure you'd agree with me. - 如果你能從我們的立場看這一點的話,我相信你會認同我的。

I'll call him right now. No point in delaying. - 我現在就打給他。沒有道理要拖拉。

Smoking is addictive, and causes cancer, But the point I most want to emphasize is that it damages the health of those around you. - 吸煙會上癮,會引發癌症。但我最想說的是,吸煙同時也有損你的健康。

I see your point you mean. - 我懂你的意思。

You've got a point there. - 你的話很有道理。

What's the point of your argument? - 你主張的論點是什麼?

He is good at getting a point across to people. - 他善於讓人信服他的觀點。

You've got a point there. - 你這話有道理。

What's the point of feeling blue? - 有什麼好悲傷的?

That's a conservative point of view. - 那是個保守的觀點。

That's a selfish point of view. - 那是個自私的觀點。

You have your point of view,and I have mine. - 你有你的觀點,我有我的。

That's a liberal point of view. - 那是一個開明的觀點。

I don't see any point in discussing the question any further. - 我不能進一步領會這個問題的任何觀點。

What point are you trying to make? - 你正在試著給出什麼觀點?

It will help me understand the point you are trying to make. - 這會幫助我瞭解你們的重點。

We would also like to point out that we mainly settle our accounts on a documents-against-acceptance basis. - 我們還想指出我們主要以承兌交單方式結帳。

We would like to point out that delivery before Christmas is essential and hope you can offer us that guarantee. - 我們想指出聖誕節前交貨很重要並希望貴方能就此向我們作出保證。

I'd like to point out that your original price exceeded the market price already. We cannot accept it. - 我想指出提你方原始價格已經超出市場價格。我們不能接受。

Do you have a ball point pen? - 你有圓珠筆嗎?

I wonder if you agree with my point of view. - 我不知道你是否同意我的觀點。

I wonder if you are against my point of view. - 我不知道你是否發對我的觀點。

I wonder if you disagree with my point of view. - 我不知道你是否不同意我的觀點。

What's your point of view? - 你的觀點是什麼?

What's the point of going to college? - 上大學有何用?

You've got a point there. - 你說的有道理。

You've got a point there. - 你說得挺有道理的。

He came to the point at once. - 他一下子就說到了點子上。

and by measuring the time interval between the taps and the receipt of the echoes, the depth of the sea at that point can be calculated. - 測出回聲間隔的時間,便可算出該處海洋的深度。

Precisely at noon an infinitely powerful computer takes all the data and calculates what will happen at each point at 12.01, then 1202, then 12.03. - 在正午時分,一個功能巨大的計算機搜集了所有的資料,並算出在每一個點上 12︰01、12︰02、12︰03時可能出現的情況。

There is no sky in June so blue that it does not point forward to a bluer, - 六月蔚藍的天空總使人遙想一個更加蔚藍的蒼穹;

do in fact run out of energy in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics (whether the whole universe does so is a moot point at present). - 也都會消耗完其能量(整個宇宙是否如此,目前尚有爭論)。

The basic features include a crest (the highest point of the wave), - 它們的基本特徵包括浪峰(波浪的最高點)

as the wave leaves the particles behind back to its starting point again. - 當波浪把微粒留在身後時又回到出發點。

Imagine a pen attached to the weight in such a way that its point rests upon a piece of paper on the floor. - 假定把一支筆拴在重物上,筆尖落在地板上的一張紙上,

This is the point I wish to emphasize. - 這就是我要強調的論點。

It will help me understand the point you are trying to make. - 這會幫助我瞭解你們的重點。

I don't want to imply that every point in this contract is negotiable. - 不用我說,該合同中的每一條都要嚴格執行的,沒有討價還價的餘地。

You've got a point there. - 你的話很有道理。

New York is built on a group of islands on the east coast of the USA at a point where several rivers flow into the ocean. - 紐約市建立在美國東海岸的一群島嶼上,那兒是好幾條河流入海的交匯點。


n. three point bending test - 三點彎曲實驗

presure point of upper ureter - 上輸尿管壓痛點

point of low urether - 下輸尿管點

n. two point press - 兩點壓力機

double point threshold - 兩點差別閾

main point or master point - 主穴

n. low melting point alloy - 低溫熔點合金

point of attack; working point; workingpoint - 作用點

point of attack - 侵襲點

freezing point test - 冰點試驗

freezing point; freezingpoint; point of solidification; solidifying point - 凝固點

anterior-posterior point asociation; anterior-posterior point association - 前後配穴法

semiconductor point thermineter - 半導體點溫度計

n. formation entropy of a point defect - 單個疵點生成能

n. two point press - 雙點沖床

n. two point press - 雙點壓力機

n. point of contrary flexure - 反彎曲點

principle of point selection in acumoxibustion - 取穴法

accepted point mutation - 受點突變

n. four point press - 四點壓力機

n. four point press - 四點壓機

point electrode - 尖端科學

point detection - 定點探測

local point selection - 局部選穴法

curie point temperature - 居裡點溫度

curie point pyrolyser; curie point pyrolyzer - 居裡點熱解器

yield point value - 屈服值

n. yield point elongation - 屈服點延伸

bilateral point pairing - 左右配穴

bilateral point pairing - 左右配穴法

equilibrium point measurement - 平衡點測量

n. zero point of scale - 度盤零點

disparate channel point selection; disparate channel ppoint selection - 異經取穴法

corresponding channel point selection - 循經選穴

corresponding channdl point selection - 循經選穴法

n. point of inflection - 感染點

hand optometer for near point distance - 手持近點視力計

break point chlorination - 折點氯化法

point of attack - 攻擊點

time point series - 時點數列

micromelting point apparatus - 顯微熔點測定器

point of maximum intensity; pointofmaximumintensity - 最大強度點

point of maximum intensity; pointofmaximumintensity - 最強心

point of maximal impulse - 最強心尖搏動點

maximum point of impulse - 最強搏動點

n. zero point of scale - 標尺零點

supposiory softenig point tester - 栓劑軟化點測定器

n. chisel point fracture - 橫刃狀裂縫

n. chisel point fracture - 橫刃破斷

dead-stop end point method - 死永停圖點法


n.脈會 - a point where vessels assemble

n.脈會 - a point where vessels assemble--taiyuan point

n.磨削針 - abrasive point

n.淚點缺失 - absence of lacrimal point

n.絕對沸點 - absolute boiling point

n.受點突變 - accepted point mutation

n.穴位針刺 - acupuncture of a point

n.穴位 - acupuncture point

n.絡穴 - acupuncture point of the collateral channels

牙槽點 - alveolar point

n.對抗點 - antagonistic point

n.前後配穴法 - anterior-posterior point asociation

n.前後配穴法 - anterior-posterior point association

人體計測點 - anthropological measuring point

窒息點 - apnea point

n.棘突壓痛點 - apophysiary point

n.不對稱點 - asymmetric point

n.耳點,耳穴 - auricular point

n.共沸點 - azeotropic point

n.巴克氏點 - barkers point

n.左右配穴,左右配穴法 - bilateral point pairing

出血點 - blood point

n.錘頭縫合針,鈍頭縫合針 - blunt point suture needle

n.鉑阿斯氏點 - boas point

n.沸點 - boiling point

n.沸點測定器 - boiling point apparatus

n.沸點降低 - boiling point depression

n.沸點測定器 - boiling point determinator

n.沸點升高 - boiling point elevation

n.沸點降低 - boiling point lowering

n.沸點方法 - boiling point method

n.沸點升高 - boiling point rising

n.博爾頓氏點 - bolton point

n.折點 - break point

n.折點氯化法 - break point chlorination

n.段路 - breaking point

n.布魯爾氏點 - brewers point

n.起泡點,始沸點 - bubble point

n.燃點 - burning point

n.卡農氏點 - cannons point

n.砂石針 - carborundum stone point

基點,方位基點 - cardinal point

洞麵點角 - cavosurface point angle

中央支持點,中央支承點 - central bearing point

n.中心注視點 - central fixation point

n.中府穴 - central mansion point

n.肖法爾氏點 - chauffards point

n.明朗點 - clear point

n.濁斑 - cloud point

混濁點 - clouding point

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