





a. pointless ,unpointed


pointed['pɔintid]adj. 尖的;突出的;銳利的;率直的v. 指出;瞄準(point的過去式)


pointed 尖的;尖角的;尖尖的;一針見血的;pointed hammer 尖頭錘;pointed toes 繃腳尖;腳尖伸直;尖頭;Pointed collar 尖角領;toes pointed 雙足間蹦直;


1.The early Indiana person deer foot pointed cone's discovery had proven here once had the rich life, some exterminated, but is left over evolved present. 早期印第安納人鹿腳尖錐的發現證明了這裡曾經有豐富的生命,其中一些滅絕了,但剩下的演化到了現在。

2.It analyzes the cause of the piping thinned, introduced the measuring method to the piping thick and pointed out some problems to should in the measurement. 分析管道壁厚減薄的原因,詳細介紹了準確測量管道壁厚的方法,並且指出了管道壁厚測量時應注意的問題。

3.The author pointed out that tubing anchor can not only control the tubing flex , but also improves force status , prolong the using life of tubing strings . 指出油管錨(油管張力錨除外)不僅可以控制管柱的伸縮,而且可以改善管柱的受力狀況,延長油管的使用壽命。


He has pointed out that the tree is a useful source of income as tour-ists have been coming from all parts of the country to see it. - 他指出,由於人們從全國各地紛紛前來參觀這棵樹,

Anyway, as Brian pointed out, it is the easiest thing in the world to give up smoking. - 不管怎麼說,正如布賴恩指出的那樣,戒煙是世界上最容易的事情,

At this, the police pointed out ironically that this would hardly be necessary as the men were already under arrest. - 警察聽後譏諷地說,這大可不必,因為他倆已被逮捕了。

It can properly be described as the first 'home computer' and it pointed the way to the future. - 嚴格地說起來,它可以被稱為第一台「家用電腦」,而且它也指了今後的方向。

This time he pointed to the lake. - 這次他用手指了一下那個湖。

who produced it with a flourish and pointed out a microscopic 'o' beside the time of the arrival of the train at his station; - 站長拿著時刻表一揮手,指著那趟列車到站時刻旁邊一個很小的圓圈標記。

Marine Studio biologists have pointed out that, however intelligent they may be, it is probably a mistake to credit dolphins with any motive of lifesaving. - 海洋攝影室的生物學家指出,無論海豚多麼聰明,認為它們有救人的動機可能是錯誤的。

As is so often pointed out, knowledge is a two-edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil. - 正像人們常常指出的,知識是一把雙刃刀,可以用於造福,也可以用來為害。

Oh, look! said Ann. What's that? She pointed at one of the things. - 「看啊!」安說,「那是什麼?」她指著一件展品問。

What's that? asked Lucy. She pointed at a strange thing with three legs and a strange top. It was made of metal. - 「那是什麼?」露西說。露西指著一個有三條腿和一個奇怪的頂部的怪怪的東西問。是用金屬造的。

If the feeding place was away from the sun, the straight part of the wagging dance pointed downward. - 如果餵食地點向著太陽,跳舞的蜜蜂在跳搖擺舞時直線部分就一直向上。

Now I could see a smaller deer next to the one my brother had pointed to. - 現在我可以看見一隻更小的鹿,它緊挨著我弟弟指的那一隻。


triangular pointed needle - 三角尖型縫合針

double-edged sharp pointed knife - 雙刃尖手術刀

pointed polishbrush - 尖形拋光刷

pointed probe - 尖探針

cindyloma acuminatum; pointed cindyloma; verruca acuminata - 尖銳濕疣

lance pointed sutrue needle - 柳葉刀形針尖縫合針

sharp pointed harelip knife - 裂唇修補尖刃刀

condyloma acuminatum of penis; pointed condyloma of penis - 陰莖尖銳濕疣


n.雙刃尖手術刀 - double-edged sharp pointed knife

n.柳葉刀形針尖縫合針 - lance pointed sutrue needle

n.裂唇修補尖刃刀 - sharp pointed harelip knife

n.三角尖型縫合針 - triangular pointed needle

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