





ran[ræn]v. 跑(run的過去式)


RAN 無線接入網;無線接入網絡;接入網;radio access network;ji ran 既然;ran min 冉閔;石閔;November Ran 十一月的雨;chuan ran 傳染;


1.Three men ran from the crime scene. 三個男人從犯罪現場逃跑了。

2.Becky ran quickly to her room. On her bed she saw a bright red box. 貝基快速跑到她的臥室。在床上她看見一個顏色鮮艷的紅盒子。

3.At last, with a cry of victory, he ran his opponent through (with this sword). 最後,隨著一勝利的高喊,他(用劍)刺穿了他的敵手。


He ran the drugstore - 他經營藥房

An oil tanker ran aground and lost about 15,000 gallons of gas into the sea. - 一般油輪擱淺,把 15000 加侖油傾瀉在海裡了。

I'm glad I ran into you. Where have you been hiding lately? - 我很高興碰見你,你躲到哪裡去了?

Guess who I ran into today? - 你猜我今天碰見誰啦?

I ran into Stone at the supermarket this morning. - 早上我在超級市場碰見世通了。

The man grabbed my bag and ran away. - 那男人搶了我的皮包就跑了。

I ran all the way to school, otherwise I'd have been late. - 我一路跑到學校,不然就遲到了。

He snatched the purse and the ladder, and ran away. - 他搶了手提袋和梯子,逃走了。

A shiver of fright ran through them as he dove from the cliff. - 他從懸崖躍下時,恐怖的顫慄掠過了全身。

When he opened the door the cat ran out and brushed by his legs. - 當他一開門,那隻貓跳了出來,偎依在他的腳邊。

The color from my red socks ran because I used hot water in the wash. - 由於用熱水洗,所以紅襪子的顏色滲出來了。

He ran his horse up the hill. - 他策馬跑上小山。

The rabbit ran to the woods and did not come back any more. - 兔子跑進了森林再也沒有出來了。

The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could. - 小偷扔下了手電筒,飛快地逃走了。

Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble. - 雖然開始時伯德和他的助手們拍下了飛機下面連綿群山的大量照片,但他們很快就陷入了困境。

Mrs.Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men. - 安。斯特林夫人在穿過森林追趕兩個男人時,她並沒有考慮到所冒的風險。

Mrs.Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. - 斯特林夫人非常氣憤,向著他們追了過去。

so she ran straight at them. - 於是她直衝過去。

The men got such a fright that they dropped the bag and ran away. - 這兩個人嚇了一跳,扔下提包逃跑了。

It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. - 她剛看見它,它就立刻逃走了。專家證實,美洲獅非被逼得走投無路,是決不會傷人的。

Just as it was leaving, Mr.Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, - 就在轎車離開的時候,泰勒先生從店裡衝了出來,跟在車後追趕,一邊還往車上扔煙灰缸、花瓶。

a moment later, he ran after me and thrust the pen into my hands. - 一會兒,他突然從後追了上來,把筆塞到我手裡。

As the cry was repeated several times, she ran to tell the manager who promptly rang up the fire brigade. - 由於這種喊叫聲重複了幾次,她跑去報告經理,經理當即給消防隊掛了電話。

This ran on an 'operating system' called DOS, produced by a then small company named Microsoft. - 這種電腦採用了一種被稱為磁盤操作系統(DOS)的工作程序,而這種程序是由當時規模不大的微軟公司生產的。

Ann ran to the door, and found Li Lei outside. - 安跑到門口,看見李磊在門外。

Meimei ran fast. - 梅梅跑得快。

Lucy ran faster than Meimei. - 露茜比梅梅跑得更快。

But Wu Dong ran fastest of all. - 但吳東在三人中跑得最快。

Li Lei ran much faster than the other boys. - 李磊跑得比其他男孩快得多。

Jim ran very fast, but Yu Yan from Class 1 ran faster. He began to catch up with Jim. - 吉姆跑得非常快,但是1班的余延跑得更快。他開始趕上吉姆。

On the third lap, the Class 3 and Class 1 runners both ran very fast. - 在跑第三圈時,3班和1班的運動員都跑得非常快。

Lin Tao ran past him. He was first past the finishing line. - 林濤超過了他。他第一個沖線。

Lucy ran home at once. Her mother saw her when she arrived. - 露西馬上跑回家。到家時母親看見了她。

A child ran into the street and knocked her off her bicycle. - 一個孩子衝上馬路,把她從車上撞了下來。

Heavy iron chains around his feet and hands were fixed to a metal bar that ran round the hall about ten centimetres off the ground. - 手上和腳上沉重的鐵鏈拴在廳堂四周離地約有10厘米的金屬桿上。

Once on the boat, they were taken bolow and their chains were fixed to two bars that ran the length of the ship. - 一上船,他們就被帶進底艙,他們的鐐銬就被拴在兩根從船的一頭伸到另一頭的鐵桿上。

It took him some time to connect the long rubber pipe to the air supply pipe that ran round the port, but at last it was done and as a result work was able to progress much faster. - 他花了不少時間把長長的橡膠管接到鋪設在碼頭周圍的空氣供應管上,最後他終於把它們連接起來,工作因而進展得更快。

As quickly as they could, the men ran to th steps and up into the open, many of them with their clothes on fire. - 工人們盡快朝樓梯跑去,爬上樓梯跑出艙外,其中好多人衣服已經著火了。

He explained that he had tried to fix the air-line to the supply line that ran round the port but could not because the fittings did not match. - 他解釋說他想供氣管安裝到鋪設在碼頭周圍的供應管上,但因為接頭不相配而接不上。

It was noticed that there were no signs or warnings on the supply lines that ran round the port. - 人們這才注意到,鋪設在碼頭周圍的供應管道上沒有貼標籤或告示。

The dancer ran in a straight line, wagging from side to side. - 跳舞的蜜蜂左右搖擺地沿直線飛。

Then it turned in a semicircle, ran straight again, and turned in another semicircle to the opposite side. - 然後轉一個半圈,再沿直線飛,再朝反方向轉個半圈。

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