





ramus['reiməs]n. 分支;枝;[鳥]羽支


ramus 分支;羽支;支 羽支;支 羽支;ventral ramus 腹支;腹枝;ramus ischiopubicus 坐恥支;Ramus tonsillaris 扁桃體枝;Ramus tubalis 輸卵管枝;


1.The bus bar from one switchgear to the other switchgear is fixed with the bushing and the ramus bus . 母線從一個開關櫃引至另一個開關櫃,通過分支母線和套管固定。

2.Objective To evaluate the treatment with screwed miniplates through an intraoral and transoral approach for patients with angle and ramus fractures. 目的觀察口內和經頰小切口手術入路處理下頜骨角部和升支部骨折,並用小鈦板堅固內固定的療效。

3.Conclusion The use of rigid internal fixation through an intraoral and transoral approach can be applied to the patients of angle and ramus fractures without severely dislocated fracture fragment. 結論口內輔助頰部小切口人路行堅固內固定對不伴有嚴重錯位或粉碎性骨折的下頜骨角部和升支部骨折有較好療效。


ramus ganglii trigemini - 三叉神經節支

deltoid branch; ramus deltoideus - 三角肌支

ascending ramus; ramus ascendens - 上升支

ramus superior; superior branch - 上支

middle superior alveolar branch; ramus alveolaris superior medius - 上牙槽中支

ramus lingularis superior; superior lingual branch - 上舌支

hypothalmic branch; ramus hypothalamicus - 下丘腦支

inferior lobar apical branch; ramus apicalis lobi inferior - 下葉尖支

inferior branch; ramus inferior - 下支

inferior lingular branch; ramus lingularis inferior - 下舌支

ramus mandibulae; ramus of mandible - 下頜支

mylohyoid branch; ramus mylohyoideus - 下頜舌骨肌支

ramus thalamicus; thalamic branch - 丘腦支

mastoid branch; ramus mastoideus - 乳突支

digastric branch; ramus digastricus - 二腹肌支

ramus sympathicus; sympathetic brabnch - 交感支

communicating branchm; ramus communiucans - 交通支

medial basal branch; ramus basalis medialis - 內側底支

medial branch; ramus medialis - 內側支

medial cutaneous branch; ramus cutaneus medialis - 內側皮支

anterior adcending branch; ramus anterior ascendens - 前升支

anterior interventricular branch; ramus interventricularis anterior - 前室間支

anterior basal branch; ramus basalis anterior - 前底支

anterior branch; ramus anterior - 前支

anterior cutaneous branch; ramus cutaneus anterior - 前皮支

descending anterior branch; ramus anterior descendens - 前降支

branch of oculomotor nerve; ramus nervi oculomotorii - 動眼神經支

branch of arterial cone; ramus coni arteriosi - 動脈圓錐支

ascending limb of henles loop; ramus ascendens - 升支

ramus posterolateralis dexter; right posterolateral branch - 右後外側支

ramus dexter; right branch - 右支

ramus marginalis dexter; right marginal branch - 右緣支

posterior basal branch; ramus basalis posterior - 後底支

descending posterior branch; ramus posterior descendens - 後降支

anastomotic branch; ramus anastomoticus - 吻合支

ramus communicans cum nervo laryngeo inferiore - 喉下神經交通支

lateral branch; ramus lateralis - 外側支

lateral cutaneous branch; ramus cutaneus lateralis - 外側皮支

lsteral basal bramch; ramus basalis lateralis - 外底支

external branch; ramus externus - 外支

apicoposterior branch; ramus apicosterior - 尖後支

apical branch; ramus apicalis - 尖支

ramus ulnaris; ulnar branch - 尺側支

ramus communicans ulnaris; ulnar communicating branch - 尺神經交通支

dorsal branch of ulnar nerve; ramus dorsalis nervi ulnaris - 尺神經手背支

basal branch of tentorium cerebelli; ramus tentorli basalis - 小腦幕底支

ramus tentorii; tentorial branch - 小腦幕支

marginal branch of tentorium cerebelli; ramus tentorii marginalis - 小腦幕緣支

branch of tonsil of cerebellum; ramus tonsillae cerebelli - 小腦扁桃體支

petrous branch; ramus petrosus - 巖支


前支 - anterior ramus

n.上升支 - ascending ramus

背支,背枝 - dorsal ramus

n.灰交通支 - gray ramus communicans

n.恥骨下支 - inferior ramus of pubis

後支 - posterior ramus

n.脊神經後支 - posterior ramus of spinal nerve

n.下頜升支切除術 - resection of anterior portion of mandibular ramus

n.恥骨上支 - superior ramus of pubis

前支,腹側支 - ventral ramus

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